February 10, 2023 Newsletter

Election News:
Immigration News:
Media & Entertainment News:
Trump News:
Biden News:
States’ Government News:
International News:
Government News:
Business & Technology News:
Crime News:
Religion News:
Jan. 5 News:
Prolife News:
Medical News:

Haiti Is in Crisis:
12 Million People & No Elected Leaders

Did the U.S. Destroy Nord Stream 2 & Possibly Provoke WWIII?

Breaking News: God Is on the Move at Asbury University!

Revival is taking place as of Wednesday, February 8th’s chapel service on the campus of Asbury University as reported by several people on Facebook . I cannot get any other information from the school’s website or any other source other that the many FB posts. I have included some of them below.
Here is the first post I read from Eliza Crawford:
” There is a revival breaking out at Asbury University! The 10 am chapel service has not ended! Students and faculty are worshipping and many have not left at all while some have gone to classes and returned. There is no sign of this service ending! It’s growing! They are now being joined by students and faculty from Asbury Seminary across the street and from students across Lexington who are hearing what us happening and want to join them. GOD IS MOVING IN WILMORE, KY! Pray for this revival to spread and for lives to be changed!” She continues,” Lives are changing. God is still moving. If you are anywhere close, I implore you to come and experience what is going on here. The Spirit and presence of God is evident as soon as you walk in the room. It almost smacks you in the face. Hughes is remaining open again tonight and corporate worship starts back up at 9 am. Come be a part of this wildfire!” For more comments on her experience go here.
The second report is from the Asbury Theological Seminary FB page: “God is on the move in a special way at Asbury University and Asbury Theological Seminary! Beginning during their chapel service at AU, God began pouring out his love among the students in a profound way. The students continued praying and worshiping even though chapel had concluded, very reminiscent of the 1970 revival in Wilmore. And a few minutes ago when I left at 1030pm, there were still hundreds of people there worshiping, being prayed for, repenting, and beginning to follow Jesus!
Pray for this move of the Lord to continue! Pray for people’s hearts to be fertile ground for the move of the Spirit! Pray that all of this would be to the glory of the Father!” Here is the link to this post.
Another report from Daryl Blank: “MY 5 HOURS AT Asbury University REVIVAL! I headed down for the 2 hour trip shortly after hearing what was going on at Asbury. The Asbury Collegian wrote, “Revival strikes Asbury once again! As I approached the Chapel, I could hear the sound of worship. This is where everyone was! Walking in, I realized I was entering holy ground. This was day two of revival. Worshipers stayed all night. It was apparent that these young people were not caught up in revival, but in the revival-er. God had come! Unexpectantly!” He goes on, ” Everyone sang! New songs, old songs. One of the first songs I heard was “What shall wash away my sin, nothing but the blood of Jesus.” Some laid prostrate in the aisle. Others were standing. Still others were grouped together praying in corners of the room. Between songs, worshipers stood and confessed their sins. Young and old participated. God is no respecter of persons. He is pouring out His spirit on all who seek him. Later, as music played, we were invited to come to the altar to repent. I wept… I noticed many around me had no shoes and in some cases, no socks. We were on Holy ground and they knew it…No One person was in charge. No one dared to get in the way of what God was doing. Reconciliation, forgiveness, and healing was in this place. As I was leaving people were still arriving.” For more of his detailed report go here.
A fourth report on Dr. Jim Garlow’s FB page: ” Three first hand reports directly from Hughes Auditorium at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky – about the revival that broke out yesterday at 10am and has continued all day yesterday, all night last night & all day today: I’m in Hughes now. It’s getting deeper and wider!”
Another report: “More are arriving. WORSHIP!!”
A third person: “There’s a uproar coming from Hughes tonight. A TANGIBLE thickness is present and there is a weight in the air. Ppl keep pouring in.”
Also I was just told a bus load of students from Indiana Wesleyan University is on the way And Was just told that the Asbury revival as now impacted campus No 2: Ohio Christian University YES !!! PRAISE GOD!”

Dutch Sheets: Give Him 15
Encouraging Words from Gilgal

A Call to Action:


 Join a prayer community
 Intercessors for America provides many ways to connect with other believers in order to pray for current event issues, legislation, and government leaders. This relevant ministry provides the following: Prayer guides, live prayer calls– for nationally and for your state, biblically based commentaries on today’s news events, information on current bills before Congress, etc.
The World Prayer Network is, in effect, a virtual, online church service each Sunday and Wednesday evening. WPN provides a continuous flow of Biblically grounded, sound and dependable information, along with prayer, Scripture, praise and worship. For more ministry details and to view past prayer calls go here.
Family Research Council is a nonprofit research and educational organization dedicated to articulating and advancing a family-centered philosophy of public life through many avenues. It also facilitates prayer calls for current issues. Prayer calls are scheduled on Saturdays, Mondays, and Tuesdays. More details at this link
Please read “An Open Letter to the Prayerless Church” by Paul E. Miller.
A Praying Church: Becoming a People of Hope in a Discouraging World
also by Paul E. Miller speaks of “… our current culture, the church and prayer are often dismissed as irrelevant. But when believers gather and pray together, powerful things happen: the Spirit equips the saints for ministry, the helpless are met with help, and believers experience the joy of being led by the Spirit of Jesus. In this book, Paul E. Miller, bestselling author of A Praying Life, casts a vision for a return to the simple yet life-changing practice of praying together.
 ONE for ISRAEL: Rashi And The Peshat Interpretation Of The Bible (Zoom Course)
A brief description and details of the course are at this link https://college.oneforisrael.org/rashi-and-the-peshat/. 
It will benefit the Gentile and Jewish believer. Please share.
The Medical Right to Refuse is an Ohio Ballot Initiative intended to amend the Ohio Constitution to guarantee that Ohioans retain their right to direct their own healthcare decisions as to what medication they put into their bodies. For more info and see how you can help this effort go to this link.
Parents Defending Education:
Find out if your local school district is indoctrinating your children or grandchildren on their US “indoctrination” map. According to PDE, “THERE ARE PROBLEMS EVERYWHERE… BUT THERE ARE ALSO PEOPLE FIGHTING BACK” The map link is here.
Dayton Apologetics is an organization that teaches classes, hosts events, and provides resources for the purpose of defending scripture and the Christian worldview, while challenging non-Biblical beliefs with grace.
A local Dayton meeting is held:
WHEN: Every 4th Thursday of the month, 7:00- 8:30pm
WHERE: 2275 S. Patterson Blvd, Kettering
Website link here.
The American Founders created the Electoral College to provide checks and balances that protect presidential elections, but now a campaign called National Popular Vote (NPV) is trying to destroy the constitutional system. Learn more and what you can do here.

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