University of Notre Dame to host ‘Queer Holiness’ event; critic calls it ‘revolt against God’

By Michael Gryboski, Mainline Church Editor, The Christian Post 

The University of Notre Dame will host an event titled “Queer Holiness: An Experiential Christian Anthropology” even though Catholic Church teaching labels homosexuality as a sin.

Notre Dame’s John J. Reilly Center will host the event, which features Anglican priest and author the Rev. Charles Bell, on the evening of March 23 at Haggar Hall. The event is also being promoted by the university’s Gender Studies Program.

Bell wrote the 2022 book Queer Holiness: The Gift of LGBTQI People to the Church.

“For millennia institutional churches have told LGBTQI people what God expects them to be and how to act. In parts of the church, LGBTQI people remain the subject of hostile questions, rather than being embraced as equal children of God,” reads the event’s description.

“Charlie Bell faces these issues head on. His thesis is simple — to reject the overwhelming scientific and experiential knowledge about LGBTQI people is no longer valid.”

The Christian Post reached out to Notre Dame University for this story, however, a response was not received by press time.

John Ritchie, director of the conservative Catholic organization TFP Student Action, told The Christian Post that the event sounded like “an act of revolt against God, an insult to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and a mockery of 2,000 years of Catholic moral teaching.”

TFP Student Action is the campus outreach ministry of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property.


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