Newsletter 3/20/2023

Immigration News:
States’ News:
Ohio Derailment Update:
Medical News:
Religion & Religious Freedom News:
Business & Technology News:
JAN. 6 Updates:
International News:
Government News:
Biden News:
Trump News:
Progressive & Woke News:
Bank Collapse News:
Prolife News:
School News:
Crime News:
Progressive/ Woke News:
Media & Entertainment News:
Political EARTHQUAKE as Dutch Farmers Score MASSIVE VICTORY!!!
Political EARTHQUAKE as Dutch Farmers Score MASSIVE VICTORY!!!
Dr. Steve Turley of Turley Talks shares a shocking report of the election victory for the farmers of the Netherlands. This spells defeat for government’s coercive “green” policies that hampered and effectively shut down the farmers’ livelihoods. With this big political win, a populous movement is arising in Europe.
Federal Government Attacks Christian Universities Religious Freedom
‘This Violates the Constitution’: Biden Admin Trying to Force Christian School to Violate Beliefs
'This Violates the Constitution': Biden Admin Trying to Force Christian School to Violate Beliefs
“HUD mandates they allow biological males to shower with females. This Missouri Christian college says no way. Gary Lane’s commentary on what is at stake and why the U.S. Supreme Court needs to hear the case.”
‘Blatant Violation of the US Constitution’: AZ Christian University Sues School District
'Blatant Violation of the US Constitution': AZ Christian University Sues School District
“Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) attorneys representing Arizona Christian University (ACU) filed suit Thursday against Washington Elementary School District (WESD) for permanently cutting ties with the university because of its religious beliefs.
As CBN News reported on March 7, the reason the school district voted to end its partnership with ACU is it deemed the university’s student-teachers Christian faith as a threat to LGBTQ students…”
US Judge Warns Rule of Law on Track for ‘Barbarism’ After Stanford Dean Supports Heckling
US Judge Warns Rule of Law on Track for 'Barbarism' After Stanford Dean Supports Heckling
“A federal appeals court judge is calling for Stanford University to fire one of the college’s associate deans after she participated in a student-led protest during his scheduled appearance on campus. He’s also calling for the university to discipline the students that were involved. “
‘The Five’: Free speech chaos at UC Davis
'The Five': Free speech chaos at UC Davis
China MAKING MOVES in Middle East as Xi Heads to Russia for Putin Meeting | Watchman Newscast
China MAKING MOVES in Middle East as Xi Heads to Russia for Putin Meeting | Watchman Newscast
“Erick Stakelbeck breaks down China’s growing influence in the Middle East. From its growing alliance with Iran to brokering a diplomatic deal between the Iranian regime and Saudi Arabia, Beijing is making moves in the world’s most strategic region. Meanwhile. Chinese leader Xi Jingping is set to visit Moscow and meet with Vladimir Puitn next week as he proclaims global ambitions..”
BCP #41 | What Can Passover Teach You About Your Identity In Messiah? - A Messianic Jew explains
Prepare Your Heart for Passover Season:
What Can Passover Teach You About Your Identity In Messiah? – A Messianic Jew explains
“For a full week every year, beginning at Passover, God commands Israel to eat only food made without leaven (matzah) as a reminder of how God brought freedom to Israel and rescued them from their slavery in Egypt forever. In this episode, Kevin helps you to inwardly prepare yourself for the Passover season with a powerful insight into the matzah that will reveal and convict your heart of your true reality in Yeshua.”
How ‘The Most Catholic Country in the World’ Left the Church but is Rediscovering Faith
How 'The Most Catholic Country in the World' Left the Church but is Rediscovering Faith
Ireland was once called “the most Catholic country in the world.” But it has gone from one of the world’s most outwardly religious nations to what some claim is one of the most secular.” Yet there is hope as Christian Romanian and Nigerian immigrants plant growing churches in the nation. There is even a move of the Spirit in some Catholic churches which has many saying there Is a revival in Ireland.
REVIVAL SPREADS: God Is Moving Powerfully Through Several HBCUs, According to Report
REVIVAL SPREADS: God Is Moving Powerfully Through Several HBCUs, According to Report
“Since February, CBN News has brought you stories of revival spreading across the country since the spontaneous outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky.
Now, one organization reports God is also moving powerfully among the country’s historically black colleges and universities, also known as HBCUs.
The Black Voices Movement, a ministry of Circuit Riders, is on a mission to reach the next generation with the good news of Jesus Christ by empowering young black men and women across America to be evangelists and preachers of the gospel.”
Give Him 15 by Dutch Sheets:
Dutch shares timely & relevant teachings on who to pray in the our nations’ current situation
Our Prayers Can Turn A Nation
Our Prayers Can Turn A Nation | Give Him 15 Daily Prayer with Dutch | March 16, 2023
“Today I want to look at prayer for people’s salvation and for revival. Some believers ask: if we truly have been delegated the authority of Christ, with keys to lock and unlock, open and close, bind and loose…if we have been given dominion the government of hell can’t overcome, along with Holy Spirit’s power to back that up, why does it sometimes take years for these two things to be accomplished? When we pray for our nation, decree God’s words and promises over it, repent of our corporate sins, etc., why doesn’t satan have to cease his actions immediately, and God send revival or salvation quickly? Understanding the answers to these questions will help ward off “hope deferred” (Proverbs 13:12), and keep you from losing heart (Galatians 6:9). “
No Weapon Formed Against You Will Prosper
No Weapon Formed Against You Will Prosper | Give Him 15 Daily Prayer with Dutch | March 17, 2023
Today’s post is about just how much God honors and keeps covenant. Deuteronomy 7:9 says He keeps covenant to a thousand generations. Our covenant of redemption and salvation with God is through the blood of Christ (Hebrews 10:29, 12:24, 13:20). Jesus personally guarantees and mediates this covenant (Hebrews 7:22, 8:6).
The post is also to remind us that satan does NOT honor this covenant. He is a trespasser, a thief and a murderer, always seeking “to steal, kill and destroy,”

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