Newsletter 4/3/2023

Nashville Shooting News:
International News:
Immigration News:
Jan. 6 Update News:
Train Derailment News:
E Palestine Derailment Update:
Crime News:
Immigration News:
Business & Technology News:
 Federal Government News:
State Government News:
Biden News:
Trump News:
 School News:
Prolife News:
Medical News:
Environmental & Energy News:
Religion & Religious Freedom News:
Media & Entertainment News:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) News:
Progessive & Woke News:
Other News:

Why Bragg’s Case Against Donald Trump May Hit a Dead-End

Why Bragg's Case Against Donald Trump May Hit a Dead-End
“Former Asst. D.A. John O’Connor says leftist Democrats who want to get Trump should focus on the Special Prosecutor’s case instead.”

Quitting Health Care: 300,000 Fled
the Medical Field,
Now Many More Are Planning Their Escape

“Quitting Health Care: 30The next phase in America’s “Great Resignation” is shaping up to be a huge problem for U.S. access to medical care.” This report offers what can be done in these dire times.
Quitting Health Care: 300,000 Fled the Medical Field, Now Many More Are Planning Their Escape
"WE'RE BEING POISONED!" | Coke Whistleblower EXPOSES Big Food

“WE’RE BEING POISONED!” Coke Whistleblower EXPOSES Big Food

“Here is my conversation with Calley Means, who is the founder of TrueMed, a company that issues prescriptions for food and exercise, enabling tax-free spending on items promoting health.” this interview exposes the the facts and motives behind the FDA’s supervision which poisons adults and children leading to diseases that Big Pharma is more than ready to “fix.” And 45% of FDA’s funding is from Big Pharma. So many eye-opening truths.

WAR IN UKRAINE: Problems for Ukraine?

"We're DONE with you!" - Zelensky STUNNED as they walk out | Redacted with Clayton Morris
“We’re DONE with you!” – Zelensky STUNNED as they walk out
Redacted with Clayton Morris
Politicians in Austria walked out of a speech by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday, placing signs in their places that said “A place for peace” and “A place for neutrality.” Zelensky was addressing the Austrian parliament via videofeed. The conservative party called the Party of Freedom had warned that they would stage some kind of demonstration if the Ukrainian president showed up in parliament to ask for military support. Austria’s current public-facing position is that it supports Ukraine politically but will not send weapons or engage militarily in its conflict with Russia because neutral is neutral. Apparently some politicians really mean that.
So THIS was all a LIE in Ukraine? | Redacted with Clayton Morris
So THIS was all a LIE in Ukraine?
Redacted with Clayton Morris
“Ukraine has admitted that it is out of amunition as heads of state go to China to talk about peace. Meanwhile, those weekend warriors that up and went to Ukraine at the beginning of the conflict turn out to be frauds. Who’d have thought? ” This report exposes the corrupt and incompetent mercernaries fighting for Ukraine. Unbelievable!
A Dangerous Escalation: Putin Send Nukes to Belarus as China-Russia Alliance Forming
A Dangerous Escalation: Putin Send Nukes to Belarus as China-Russia Alliance Forming
“Is a big war coming? FDD’s Bradley Bowman says it’s possible, and here’s how the U.S. should respond.”
'UNHINGED': Pro-life event swarmed by protestors, seen 'attacking' students

‘UNHINGED’: Pro-life event swarmed by protestors, seen ‘attacking’ students

“President of Students for Life of America Kristan Hawkins and Turning Point USA contributor Isabel Brown joined ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ to discuss how their pro-life event was swarmed by violent protestors.”

US DOLLAR UPDATE: The End of the Supremacy of the US Dollar & What You Can Do

As Dollar Collapses Texas Gets Ready To Print  Its Own Currency!
As Dollar Collapses Texas Gets Ready To Print Its Own Currency!
“We’re joined on today’s broadcast by Kevin Freeman from the economic war room to discuss economic and currency wars. We’re talking about the legislation Texas has introduced to make gold and silver legal tender in Texas; Kevin explains what Glint is and how it works, what’s a gold bullion repository, and more! Make your voice heard and check out !”
U.S. Dollar on Brink of Extinction? China’s De-dollarization Agenda Is Rewriting the New World Order
U.S. Dollar on Brink of Extinction? China's De-dollarization Agenda Is Rewriting the New World Order
“The bank collapses were bound to happen. I’ve been saying if the Fed kept up their rate-hike cycle, something would break and it did,” says Frank Giustra, CEO of the Fiore Group. “There are more collapses to come. We are seeing the beginnings of a great unraveling,” he tells Daniela Cambone … “The world financial system is going to go through a tectonic change and most people aren’t prepared for it. The U.S. dollar’s supremacy is changing and we are in the middle of that change,” Giustra asserts. “Recent central bank gold buying started in 2010 and has been accelerated,” he continues…. “The consequences to the U.S.’s involvement in the Ukraine-Russia conflict created a global movement to move away from the dollar, helping the BRICS expand and create their own currency. That is the direction we are heading towards and it will happen sooner than people think and gold will play a role in this new currency,” he predicts. …”
US Dollar LOST 86% Of Its Value & Continues To Lose Its Global Hegemony To Chinese Yuan
🔴 US Dollar LOST 86% Of Its Value & Continues To Lose Its Global Hegemony To Chinese Yuan
BECOMING VENEZUELA? China deal may COLLAPSE the U.S. dollar
BECOMING VENEZUELA? China deal may COLLAPSE the U.S. dollar
“What’s on our financial horizon WILL impact your life…especially if America falls just like Venezuela did, which is a possibility, Glenn says. In this clip, he explains how new deals China currently is brokering with other nations — like Brazil, for example — means we’re facing something we’ve never experienced before: A collapse of the U.S. dollar. ‘Make no mistake,’ Glenn says. ‘If you want to be prepared, prepare yourself like people should have [done] in Venezuela.’ Plus, the Fed’s new FedNow program — which could lead to a Central Bank Digital Currency (CDBC), will only make our chance of financial freedom even worse…”
 Why The World Is Dumping The American Dollar | Vantage with Palki Sharma
Why The World Is Dumping The American Dollar | Vantage with Palki Sharma
“China and Brazil have struck a deal to trade in their local currencies instead of the US dollar. They joined a long list of countries including Saudi Arabia, Kenya and India. Why is the world attempting to de-dollarise? Palki Sharma decodes”
Where to invest your money in 2023 - Robert Kiyosaki, @TheJayMartinShow
“Robert Kiyosaki has been warning people who are relying on a pension or 401(k) that he expects the next largest crash to happen in those two investment vehicles. In this episode, today’s guest explains why you should own gold and silver now more than ever before and the value of diversification. 
Jay Martin, CEO, and President of Cambridge House International Inc. says, “The bulk of the last 12 years has been a bearish market for precious metals.” He goes on to explain how many individuals are being caught flat-footed by having zero exposure to what he calls “historic money.” More of what you can do here.


An Iranian drone was shot down in the air by Israeli forces over the Golan Heights in northern Israel. Israel has been bombing various targets in Syria before this. Amir Tsarfati explains the Iranian action, the context, and the significance of this event. Tensions are running high.

What Are the Gates of Hell & Why Are They Important?

Inside Israel's NOTORIOUS Site Known as "The Gates of HELL" During Time of Jesus | Watchman Newscast

Inside Israel’s NOTORIOUS Site Known as “The Gates of HELL” During Time of Jesus

…”Erick Stakelbeck is joined by Danny “The Digger” Herman at the Biblical location of Caesarea Philippi. Why was this notorious ancient site known as the “Gates of Hell” during the time of Jesus? What do the Gospels say about this location and what did Jesus reveal to the disciples there that was so momentous?” This report will bless you.



Give Him 15 Daily Prayer:
The Scarlet Cord( Hope for the Future) March 31, 2023

In [Dutch’s] book, The Power of Hope, [he] state[s] that “Hope does in our hearts what seeds do in the earth. Without hope, life is sterile and unfruitful; … Hope is essential because it is the seed, the starting line, the genesis, and the launch pad. It is, in fact, the incubator where faith is birthed: “Faith is the substance of things hoped for,” God tells us (Hebrews 11:1 KJV, emphasis added). If there is no hope for the future, there will be no faith to face it – let alone build it.” (3)
Strong’s concordance tells us the word “hope” in Jeremiah 29:11 is the word “tiqvah”. It has two meanings: “an expectancy;” and “a cord, as an attachment.” The second definition is especially fascinating. Hope connects us to our future.” Learn what true hope is through the scriptures. Very encouraging!
The Scarlet Cord | Give Him 15 Daily Prayer with Dutch | March 31, 2023

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