OHIO: Important Legislative Info — Please read, pray, act, and share

Dear praying friends,
Evil triumphs when good people do nothing.
You may have read about the SAFE act (Save Adolescents from Experimentation), which protects minors from sterilization and mutilation from “gender affirming” surgeries. This is such an urgent issue in our day! We need to stand against this evil, pray and show up for our support of those who are testifying THIS WEDNESDAY morning at the Statehouse to pass this needed legislation. Please keep in mind many of those testifying are young children who had gender transition surgeries and are now deeply regretful. To my knowledge, none of them know the hope of Christ and they are daily barraged with threats and pressure to not speak out. They need our prayers and our support.
So many in the opposition show up for these hearings – they are loud, unified, organized and passionate, while those on the other side, the side to PROTECT these children rarely have many show up! How sad that we are not showing up to stop this evil! Let’s pray and consider attending if you are able!
Would you please consider taking action in the following ways:
  • Attend the hearing at the Ohio Statehouse on Wednesday, April 26. You need to try to arrive by 8am and go to room 121 (overflow in room 115). The attached image shows the schedule that starts the hearing at 9:30am – there will be a hard stop at 1pm with 8 people testifying. (There is overflow parking at 3rd & State if parking under the Statehouse is full)
  • Send a message to all on the committee (it just takes a few clicks!): https://www.ccv.org/safeact
  • Pray the prayer points in the attachment
  • Watch these documentaries and testimonies here and here to educate yourself about this topic
A summary of the act is below:

Also known as the SAFE Act—Saving Adolescents from Experimentation Act—this bill would ban the experimental and dangerous practice of giving children puberty-blocking drugs and  wrong-sex hormones for the purpose of “gender transitioning.” The SAFE Act would make Ohio the seventh state to ban hospitals and clinics from pushing these dangerous medications on children and to prohibit transgender surgeries on children.


The use of puberty-blocking hormones and wrong-sex hormones in minors can lead to irreversible, permanent, and lifelong sterilization. Surgical interventions lead to permanent disfigurement and scarring, and can also lead to significant complications such as physical and sexual malfunction. There are currently at least seven gender clinics in Ohio that offer these services for patients under the age of 18.

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