Newsletter 5/31/2023

Election News:
International News:
Medical News:
WHO News:
Woke News:
 Federal Government News:
Biden News:
States’ Government News:
Prolife News:
School News:
Crime News:
 Business & Economic News:
Media & Entertainment News:
Immigration News:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) News:
Trump News:
Religion & Religious Freedom News:

More Control over Media Platforms & Continued Massive Weapons Sales Weapons

INSANE! Biden to create new federal agency to track your behavior | Redacted w Clayton Morris
 INSANE! Biden to create new federal agency to track your behavior 
Redacted w/ Clayton Morris
 “A new bill proposed in the U.S. will allow the government to track users online and allow so-called “disinformation experts” to rule on what are called “behavioral codes.” The Digital Platform Commission Act of 2023 would establish a new federal agency that could “organize hearings, investigations, assess fines and establish rules through engagement in public rule-making.” The agency could designate some platforms as being more important than others and subject those to extra oversight and regulation. So for example, given that Elon Musk has thwarted government perks of controlling the narrative on Twitter, could this new federal agency supersede Musk’s decisions in the name of “disinformation”? “
Oh Sh*t, We're Selling Weapons To WHO Now?!
  We’re Selling Weapons To WHO Now?!
Russell Brand
Warning: Profanity
 “Russia, bad. China, bad. Trump, bad. Authoritarianism, bad. America under the Democrats is on the “the side of peace and security.” So let’s hope weapon sales to authoritarian regimes isn’t higher under Biden than Trump eh?” Russell Brand reports the eye-opening data and detailed facts behind the US industrial military complex.

Debt Limit Fight Update

May 30
What’s really happening on Capitol Hill?
by Russ Vought of Citizens for Renewing America


 Kevin McCarthy and Joe Biden have struck a deal to raise the debt limit that would add nearly $4 trillion to our nation’s $31 trillion national debt while further entrenching the woke and weaponized bureaucracy…[T]his deal is a betrayal to conservatives in the House, and by extension the American people, who elected Kevin McCarthy Speaker of the House.
 In April the House passed legislation to raise the debt limit while cutting nearly $5 trillion from the woke and weaponized bureaucracy over the next 10 years. 
It was the culmination of a power-sharing agreement with conservatives in the House and gave Speaker McCarthy historic leverage in his negotiations with Biden to put America on a better financial path.  
Instead of using this leverage to get our financial house in order and make cuts to the woke and weaponized bureaucracy, Speaker McCarthy showed he’s more interested in forming a coalition with the Biden White House and D.C. cartel. 
Here’s what you can do if you think this deal is bad for our nation:
→ Call your members of Congress and tell them: NO DEAL. You must use every procedural tool at your disposal to defeat this awful deal. (202) 224-3121
→ Retweet and share Citizens For Renewing America’s list of House Members to call and urge them to VOTE NO on the Biden-McCarthy deal.
For the ORIGINAL bill deal consists of the following go here.
May 31 Update: Your calls and pressure are making a difference. The number of Republicans voting against the Debt Limit Deal is rising quickly. Our goal is enough Republicans to offset those Democrats who vote for the bill, in order to defeat the bill, but even if the bill passes, the larger the number of Republicans who oppose the bill, the more power Speaker McCarthy will bleed to conservatives as they strategize on how they will respond to McCarthy’s breaking of the Speaker deal. Please keep up the phone calls and social media commentary.

Major Corporations and Wokeism– Why & Who Is Woke?

Kohl’s becomes latest target of backlash over Pride merch
Kohl's becomes latest target of backlash over Pride merch
Report starts at time marker 5:32.

When Big Business Went Woke
Prager University

 “How is it that Big Business “got woke?” Once the bastion of country club conservatism, it’s now a fortress of radical leftism. Vivek Ramaswamy explains this amazing and disturbing transformation.”
THREE Christian companies that sold their soul
THREE Christian companies that sold their soul... Reaction from a Christian perspective!

Reality’s Last Stand: A Conversation with Dr. Colin Wright

PDE TV: Reality's Last Stand: A Conversation with Dr. Colin Wright
“Parents Defending Education (PDE) Director of Outreach, Erika Sanzi, is joined by Dr. Colin Wright, an evolutionary biologist and the founding editor of Reality’s Last Stand to discuss gender, biological sex, being cancelled, and what parents need to know about gender ideology in k-12 schools.”

Franklin Graham Issues Warning to America꞉
“The Storm is Coming”!!!

Franklin Graham Issues Warning to America꞉ "The Storm is Coming"!!!
Dr. Steve Turley reports that Franklin Graham sounds the alarm that demands we be prepared for the cancelling of conservative biblical Christians. Graham sees the corporations cancel conservative Christians who are seen as the enemy by closing their bank accounts, business relationships, etc. To counter these cancellations, Samaritan’s Purse, a ministry led by Graham, established their own data center to serve not only their ministry but other like-minded organizations. Many see the same scenario and the need for parallel structures or a parallel economy in order to operate in a culture that is antagonistic to biblical Christians .


 Israel Military Drill Simulates MULTI-FRONT War; Taliban Threat to “CONQUER” Iran Watchman Newscast
 “…Erick Stakelbeck breaks down a major Israeli military drill that has the Israel Defense Forces simulating a multi-front war against Iran’s Ring of Fire. Could a Israeli strike in Iran’s nuclear facilities be the trigger? Plus, Iranian forces and the Taliban engage in a deadly border skirmish. Why are these two jihadist forces turning their guns on each other?”
Israel Military Drill Simulates MULTI-FRONT War; Taliban Threat to "CONQUER" Iran| Watchman Newscast

PRAYER: Give Him 15 with Dutch Sheets

The Power of Our Words | Give Him 15 Daily Prayer with Dutch | May 30 2023

The Power of Our Words

Dutch shares an extremely encouraging teaching on prayer as he states, “… I would like to discuss the number one way we impact the unseen realm of the spirit. The answer may surprise you: it is with our words…
I don’t pretend to know all of the complexities and ways of God. This much I do know, however: one of the primary ways He releases His power and authority is by speaking… (Genesis 1; John 1, &Hebrews 1:3…”

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