Newsletter 7/11/2023

Election News:
International News:
Medical News:
Possible Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS):
Woke/Progressive News:
Crime News:
Federal Government News:
Biden News:
States’ Government News:
Religion & Religious Freedom News:
Trump News:
Other News:
Business & Economic News:
Media & Entertainment News:
School News:
Prolife News:
Immigration News:
Environmental & Energy News:
Artificial Intelligence (AI):

Operation Mockingbird & the CIA

RFK Jr. Blows the Lid Off Operation Mockingbird
 “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. talks about Operation Mockingbird, the CIA’s covert propaganda program to manipulate the mainstream media and the American people through the use of numerous assets who. RFK Jr. brought it up during an interview with Lex Fridman who was completely clueless. Media analyst Mark Dice has the story. “

A Spike in Mysterious Deaths – Why are Young People Suddenly Dropping Dead Worldwide?

 Shocking statistics have insurers on Wall Street alarmed. Edward Dowd says it’s time for a national discussion over the latest threat to American’s health.
A Spike in Mysterious Deaths - Why are Young People Suddenly Dropping Dead Worldwide?

Exposing Child Sex Trafficking

 Transgender Movement and Biden Border Policy Aid and Abet Child Sex Slavery, Tim Ballard Warns
Transgender Movement and Biden Border Policy Aid and Abet Child Sex Slavery, Tim Ballard Warns
 ‘The Miracles Are Insane’: Tim Ballard Tells Real-Life Stories That Inspired ‘Sound of Freedom’
'The Miracles Are Insane': Tim Ballard Tells Real-Life Stories That Inspired 'Sound of Freedom'
“Tim Ballard, a former Department of Homeland Security agent who rescued children from sex slavery, says the transgender movement and Biden’s border policy aid and abet the evil he fights to prevent. Jim Caviezel, who played Ballard in the film “Sound of Freedom,” shares his experience and condemns “pedophile laws.””
Former U.S. government agent Tim Ballard, founder of Operation Underground Railroad, pulls back the curtain on the real-life stories that inspired “Sound of Freedom,” the new movie from Angel Studios that chronicles his work to rescue thousands of children from slavery and sex trafficking.
The “only way” Ballard said he can deal with the dark and difficult work of rescuing children from sex slavery is “through Jesus.” Throughout our conversation, he spoke about his personal convictions, his work with Operation Underground Railroad, and “Sound of Freedom,” which earned a stunning $14 million in the box office on its opening day, July 4. “

What’s Next for the Netherlands?

GLOBALISTS LOSING POWER! PM of Netherlands resigns!
 GLOBALISTS LOSING POWER! PM of Netherlands resigns!
“The Prime Minister of the Netherlands resigned in advance of being voted out. Immigration was the thing that forced him out but his track record has not been great recently. Is he another Jacinda Ardern globalist to fall or is there something more there to consider? We ask political analyst Ralph Schoellhammer to ring in.”

Big Business’s Big Push to Change Society  

ESG EXPOSED - A $66 Trillion Dollar Weapon Used To Control Corporate America
 ESG EXPOSED – A $66 Trillion Dollar Weapon Used To Control Corporate America
In this video, Patrick explains why companies fear ESG ratings, the history behind the ESG system, and the institutions pushing it.
Tucker Carlson: Inside BlackRock's $1.5 BILLION Stake in Fox News
 Tucker Carlson: Inside BlackRock’s $1.5 BILLION Stake in Fox News
Fox News conglomerate fired Tucker because he continued to attack policies that lowered their ESG score which could discourage major investors like Black Rock.
Who Is George Soros and
Why You Should Know?
George Soros: Evil Puppet Master Or Humanitarian?
 George Soros: Evil Puppet Master Or Humanitarian?
Is George Soros Going BANKRUPT?
 Is George Soros Going BANKRUPT?
 Soros sponsored Open Society, an progressive activist organization, which works toward glogalist government in nations opposing nationalism has announced cutting its workforce by 40%. What could this mean to Soro’s plans for a new world order? And what does it mean for his goals since the pushback from nations in BRICS?
George Soros Sets Eyes on India as Elections Approach | India on Alert | Vantage with Palki Sharma
George Soros Sets Eyes on India as Elections Approach  India on Alert 
Vantage with Palki Sharma
“George Soros Sets Eyes on India as Elections Approach | India on Alert | Vantage with Palki Sharma. American Billionaire George Soros is back, and has predicted that the government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi could be in trouble. Indian government has issued a firm and quick response. Time for India to teach Soros a lesson?” Palki Sharma tells you more.

Defying Wokism & Identity Politics: The Rise of Christian Entertainment & Tech

 The Shawn Bolz Show
 “On [the] Shawn Bolz Show, we will be focusing on what is happening in entertainment, screen time, and the prophetic word will be about people being launched into media, tech, and entertainment projects. “
Defying Wokism & Identity Politics: The Rise of Christian Entertainment & Tech The Shawn Bolz Show


 “Tucker Carlson exclusively joins me [Russell Brand] in person for his very first interview since leaving Fox News. We discuss Fox, Trump, RFK Jr and plenty more!”


What Joe Biden Just Did Could CAUSE THE DEATH of the State of Israel
Israel's IDF Has Some CRAZY NEW Warfare Strategies to Fight Terrorists, THIS Might Be a Game Changer
 What Joe Biden Just Did Could CAUSE THE DEATH of the State of Israel
The Israel Guy
 “Joe Biden just did something that could honestly cause the death of the state of Israel. Is this really where we want to be as the United States?
Also Israel is toeing the line with Russia right now. We have a lot here that you are going to want to know.”
Israel’s IDF Has Some CRAZY NEW Warfare Strategies to Fight Terrorists, THIS Might Be a Game Changer
The Israel Guys
 “Israel has some crazy new warfare strategies they are using against terrorists which just might be working. With over 1,000 soldiers fighting for 48 hours in the densely populated refugee camp of Jenin, there must have been a lot of Palestinian civilians killed in this operation right?”
“The Never Alone Act”
House bill 236 has been introduced to the Ohio House of Representatives. The following explain this significant bill for Ohioans medical freedom as reported by Ohioans for Medical Freedom:
“Over the last three years we have gained a heightened awareness of the need for legislation that protects the right of a patient to have access to a loved one or an advocate to act on behalf of their best interest while in a hospital or inpatient care facility. Staffing shortages and severe inpatient facility visitation protocols left thousands of Ohioans without the attention they desperately needed and even worse, many saw the end of their life in a cold empty room without a familiar voice or hand to hold.
OAMF believes that NO Ohioan should have to face hospitalization or death alone, and so we have partnered with Representative Melanie Miller, and Representative Beth Lear, to bring Ohioans “The Never Alone Act” (HB 236)
HB 236 will finally ensure that every inpatient Ohioan will be allowed access to someone who can advocate for their health needs and be the hand they hold when they take their final breath.
HB 236 does the following:
Every Ohio patient or resident in a congregate facility will have the right to have an advocate both on-site and available via telecommunication when they are off-site, regardless of any declared health emergency, rule, or order.
A provision is included to secure the facility’s ability to temporarily restrict presence of a patient advocate during surgeries and procedures where a sterile environment is required for patient safety.
A provision is included to secure the facility’s ability to set a personal protective equipment protocol for patient advocate visitors when isolation precautions are in affect due to highly infectious illness.
A provision is included to allow for a patient advocate to quarantine with a patient during an all-staff facility quarantine and offers liability protection against a patient taking action against the facility should the patient advocate contract the illness during quarantine with the patient. (Negligence and malpractice still applies to patient treatment.)” Learn what the 5 specific provisions are in this vital bill here.

Major Sign of Revival as Greg Laurie, Harvest Christian Fellowship Baptize 4,500 at
Pirates Cove

 “Inspired by the movie “Jesus Revolution”, thousands of people came from all across America and the world over the weekend to take part in a “Jesus Revolution Baptism” at the now-famous Pirates Cove in Newport Beach, California.
Harvest Christian Fellowship Sr. Pastor Greg Laurie held the massive baptism event following last week’s SoCal Harvest Crusade, where 32,500 people gathered and 6,794 made decisions to dedicate their lives to Jesus Christ…”
Major Sign of Revival as Greg Laurie, Harvest Christian Fellowship Baptize 4,500 at Pirates Cove

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