Newsletter 7/15/2023

Election News:
OHIO: Late-Term Abortion and Kids’ Trans Surgeries Speed to an August 8 Showdown in Ohio(See more details and what you can do in Call to Action below.)
International News:
Medical News:
Federal Government News:
Biden News:
Jan. 6 News Update:
Cities’ & States’ News:
Religion & Religious Freedom News:
Business & Economic News:
Media & Entertainment News:
School News:
Environmental & Energy News:
Crime News:
Immigration News:
Prolife News:

Disney Parks See Massive Drop in Attendance This Summer – Woke Backlash?

Disney Parks See Massive Drop in Attendance This Summer - Woke Backlash? With Joe Pags
 “Megyn Kelly is joined by Joe Pags, host of “The Joe Pags Show,” to discuss Disney’s park attendance seeing a massive decline, brands going broke after going woke, how Disney can save itself, and more.”

China Expands Influence in U.S. Backyard with Planned Military Training Facility in Cuba

 “As part of its greater military and economic designs on Latin America and the Western Hemisphere, China has built a signals intelligence facility at Bejucal, Cuba, just 90 miles from the US mainland. It allows China to monitor US military communications throughout the southern United States.
When its existence was first reported last month, the Pentagon denied it.
Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, said that the time, “We are not aware of China and Cuba developing any type of spy station.””
China Expands Influence in U.S. Backyard with Planned Military Training Facility in Cuba

State Elections: Ohio & Arizona

 Ohio Sec. of State LaRose admits Issue 1 is about one issue: abortion
 Kari Lake: Exposing America’s CORRUPT Election System & Following God’s Plans
Eric Metaxas on TBN
Kari Lake: Exposing America's CORRUPT Election System & Following God's Plans | Eric Metaxas on TBN
 “After months of denial, Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose admitted that the proposal to make the constitution harder to amend is “100%” due to efforts to legalize abortion.”
 “Kari Lake joins Eric Metaxas to discuss the battle for fair and honest elections in America, following God’s plan for our lives, and and her new book, “Unafraid: Just Getting Started.”

Democrat DEFECTS to Republican Party In Deep Blue Atlanta 

‘Libs Crucified Me – A MORAL Decision’

 “Another Democrat has switched their political party! This seems to be happening more and more, leaving many wondering why? Besides the fact that the Democrat’s leader is a perverted criminal…”
Democrat DEFECTS to Republican Party In Deep Blue Atlanta | 'Libs Crucified Me - A MORAL Decision'

International Threats to the US

China Expands Influence in U.S. Backyard with Planned Military Training Facility in Cuba
 China Expands Influence in U.S. Backyard with Planned Military Training Facility in Cuba
 “As part of its greater military and economic designs on Latin America and the Western Hemisphere, China has built a signals intelligence facility at Bejucal, Cuba, just 90 miles from the US mainland. It allows China to monitor US military communications throughout the southern United States.
When its existence was first reported last month, the Pentagon denied it.
Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, said that the time, “We are not aware of China and Cuba developing any type of spy station.”
EMP Threat | News on The 700 Club: July 14, 2023
 EMP Threat | News on The 700 Club: July 14, 2023
 What is an EMP attack? Who is the most likely to attack our nation’s power grid? What would happen in an attack? What would be the long term effects of such an attack? Is there a protection plan in place? This report answers theses questions.

The Sound of Freedom & Public Responses

Panicked Elites Try to SABOTAGE Sound of Freedom! BACKFIRES Bigtime!!!
 Panicked Elites Try to SABOTAGE Sound of Freedom! BACKFIRES Bigtime!!!
 Why are audiences subjected to no audio, no air conditioning, and other discomforts in theaters showing The Sound of Freedom? Is it because of the subject matter of this well made and revelatory movie. These “hiccups” only seem to drive even more ticket sales even though it’s only playing in a limited number of cinemas.
Amid 'Sound of Freedom' Media Attacks, Utah AG Doesn't Mince Words, Says 'Tim Ballard Is a Hero'
Amid ‘Sound of Freedom’ Media Attacks, Utah AG Doesn’t Mince Words, Says ‘Tim Ballard Is a Hero’
 “Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes is a politician and public servant, but he’s also a confidant and friend of Tim Ballard, the subject of the new movie “Sound of Freedom.” Ballard, who is played by “The Passion of the Christ” actor Jim Caviezel, is a real-life former government agent; in the film, his journey of discovering the horrors of human trafficking and then going on a mission to save children is depicted.
Tickets to the film continue to sell, bringing the topic of child trafficking to the forefront of the media. Reyes, an associate producer on the movie, joined CBN’s Faithwire to defend Ballard against media narratives attacking his character…” A review in The Guardian called the movie “QAnon-adjacent thriller.” “Tim Ballard is a hero,” Reyes proclaimed, revealing he has joined Ballard on missions to rescue kids. Watch Reyes reveal behind-the-scenes details.””

PUSHBACK: Parents Push Back on Transgenderism in Schools & Culture

Billy Hallowell: DEFYING Gender Ideology in Schools & Cancel Culture's DECLINE | Eric Metaxas on TBN
 Billy Hallowell: DEFYING Gender Ideology in Schools & Cancel Culture’s DECLINE Eric Metaxas on TBN
 “Billy Hallowell joins Eric Metaxas to discuss the rise of conservatism among America’s younger generation and the effect of progressive policy on society. Hallowell breaks down how gender ideology has made its way into the public classroom and the fight against it.”
'Parents...Being Called Terrorists': Dr. Nicole Saphier on Dangerous Wedge Dividing Kids, Parents
 ‘Parents…Being Called Terrorists’: Dr. Nicole Saphier on Dangerous Wedge Dividing Kids, Parents
 A medical doctor who has taken bold and controversial stances on various issues recently embarked on a very different quest: penning a children’s book alongside her 10-year-old son. Dr. Nicole Saphier, a frequent face on Fox News, a radiologist, and the director of breast imaging at Memorial Sloan Kettering Monmouth, New Jersey, recently released “That’s What Family’s For” with BRAVE books…”
Robots held a press conference and this is what they said

 Robots held a press conference and this is what they said

 “Center for AI Safety director Dan Hendrycks joined ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ to discuss the world’s first human-robot press conference amid the growing concerns about the use of A.I.”

‘INSANITY’: Makeup brand taps bearded model to sell lipstick

 ‘Outnumbered’ panel react to Maybelline using a man with a beard to sell makeup”
'INSANITY': Makeup brand taps bearded model to sell lipstick
Ex-New Ager’s Mission to Slay Demonic Forces After Escaping Witchcraft, Astrology
Today, Tailah Scroggins is an online evangelist, writer, and truth-teller on a mission to help others escape evil. She recently shared her story with “Billy Hallowell’s Playing With Fire Podcast,” explaining how she was raised in a Christian home and believed in God before stumbling into the occult.
She said she was first introduced to the New Age in high school when someone she trusted in her family came over and told her about astrology…
She said this was the first “seed of deception” the devil planted in her life, and her perspective started to shift. With her family friend stating God created astrology as a system “He put in order,” she started down what she now believes was a dangerous path. Watch her explain why she’s trying to help young people escape evil.
Ex-New Ager's Mission to Slay Demonic Forces After Escaping Witchcraft, Astrology

Give Him 15 Daily Prayer with Dutch Sheets

 This Is Why We Pray
This Is Why We Pray | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | July 11, 2023
 “Though not terminal, the fall of America has been dramatic, perhaps as stunning as any in history. I share the following facts…to remind you why a merciful but difficult shaking is coming; and why we find it necessary to surround America’s borders with much prayer in order to protect her. Our prayers are important and effective: we are saving a nation… Don’t stop! Pray for your state, and then pray for our leaders in your state and in Washington, D.C.! Your prayers ARE making a difference.
 The  Heart of Courage
A Heart of Courage | Give Him 15 Daily Prayer with Dutch | July 13, 2023
 “Encouragement is an important subject. Paul frequently spoke of encouraging others and of receiving encouragement. A believer in the early church named Joseph, was actually nicknamed Barnabas by his fellow believers – which means “son of encouragement” – because of his encouraging heart and nature (Acts 4:36). Moses was twice told by God to encourage Joshua regarding his future ministry (Deuteronomy 1:38 and 3:28)…Put courage in someone you know today. “Lay hands on” their heart with your words and impart to them strength and fortitude. Tell them they are strong in Christ! Tell them they have great value and are needed! Tell them they are more than a conqueror through Christ who loves them, and that the greatest power in the universe dwells in them through Holy Spirit! Tell them their feet are on a solid rock, which will never crumble!”


Israel & U.S. Launch JOINT Military Drills as Biden SLAMS Israel Again | Watchman Newscast
 Israel & U.S. Launch JOINT Military Drills as Biden SLAMS Israel Again
Watchman Newscast
 “…Erick Stakelbeck breaks down major joint military exercises being held this week between the United States and Israel. In a clear message to Iran, the exercises will focus on striking long-range targets as well as mid-air refueling. While the U.S. and Israeli militaries are cooperating closely, President Biden slammed Israel’s government yet again in comments over the weekend. Is Biden heading for a major diplomatic dust-up with Benjamin Netanyahu and will that jeopardize Israel’s security? “
BREAKING: Lebanon Might Be Preparing to DECLARE WAR On Israel. . .Full border update
 BREAKING: Lebanon Might Be Preparing to DECLARE WAR On Israel. . .Full border update
The Israel Guys
 “Lebanon seems to be trying to start a war with Israel. The Iranian-backed terror group, Hezbollah, in Lebanon is trying to pick a fight with Israel and lure them into a war. They are using their border disagreements with Israel as an excuse to rally the Lebanese public to embrace the war efforts. Flare-ups on Israel’s northern border with Hezbollah are becoming frequent as Nasrallah, Hezbollah’s supreme leader, senses weakness in Israel due to the internationally driven cue unfolding on the streets of Israel.”
ZELENSKY is Furious That ISRAEL REFUSES to Support Ukraine, This Goes Deeper Than RUSSIA...
 ZELENSKY is Furious That ISRAEL REFUSES to Support Ukraine, This Goes Deeper Than RUSSIA
The Israel Guys
 “Over and over and over again, Israel has refused to support Ukraine militarily, and Zelensky is furious. Why is Israel taking this unorthodox approach even if it means flying in the face of the wishes of the United States? Ben gets into that and also some bombshell new admissions from the president of the Palestinian Authority and what it means for Israel.”

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