Newsletter September 19, 2023

Election News:
International News:
Immigration News:
Environmental & Energy News:
Federal Government News:
Jan. 6 Update:
Biden News:
Cities & States’ News:
Trump News:
Business & Economic News:
Media & Entertainment News:
School News:
Prolife News:
Crime News:
Medical News:
Religion & Religious Freedom News:
Dr. Peter McCullough: “The government shouldn’t OWN these vaccines”
Redacted with Clayton Morris
Dr. Peter McCullough: "The government shouldn't OWN these vaccines" | Redacted with Clayton Morris
What are we to make of the new Covid vaccine? Dr. Peter McCullough joins us to discuss why he will decline to recommend them to his patients. They once again have been authorized under emergency use. What is the emergency use? We can’t find it.



Are Mask Mandates Returning to Schools? If So, There Will Be a 'Rude Awakening Come Election Day'
Controversy erupts as Canada pushes MASKS mandates and tracking | Redacted with Clayton Morris
 Are Mask Mandates Returning to Schools? If So, There Will Be a ‘Rude Awakening Come Election Day’
CBN News
 School boards “are going to have a rude awakening come election day” according to one woman who helped lead the charge against mask mandates in Florida. Mom’s for Liberty co-founder Bridget Ziegler says she hopes elected officials across the USA Pay attention to how parents respond in school districts where mask mandates are re-introduced.
 Controversy erupts as Canada pushes MASKS mandates and tracking 
                            Redacted with Clayton Morris
 Mask up, Canada! Your health officials are telling you it’s time. Dust off your touque and your masks because Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam said that everyone needs to be ready to do that. It should be noted that Theresa Tam is a World Health Organization veteran. She still serves on WHO committees. She is on the WHO monkeypox committee right now. And you may think, whatever, let people where masks if they want to. But given how few choices Canadians were given during the pandemic, how long do you think this will be an option for them?


Parents and Senator Protect School Children

Virginia Parents Taking on School District Policies - Erika Sanzi, Newsmax 9-4-23
 Virginia Parents Taking on School District Policies
 Erika Sanzi, director of outreach at Parents Defending Education, appeared on Newsmax to discuss a Northern Virginia school district that appears to be in violation of Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s model policies on transgender issues.
Senators Slam Officials for Allowing Explicit Books in Schools - Nicole Neily, FOX Business 9-12-23
 Senators Slam Officials for Allowing Explicit Books in Schools
 Nicole Neily, president of Parents Defending Education, appeared on FOX Business The Evening Edit to discuss Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin pardoning a dad who was arrested for speaking up at a school board meeting as well as a senate committee hearing on sexually explicit and age inappropriate books in classrooms and school libraries.

“This was NOT an occupation!” Canada’s Trucker Convoy trial begins with drama.

Redacted News


"This was NOT an occupation!" Canada's Trucker Convoy trial begins with drama. | Redacted News

A NEW BANKING ORDER: US Bank Is Now Issuing CBDC. What does this mean for you?

🔴 BREAKING: Citi Bank Converts Customers' Deposits Into Digital Tokens
 BREAKING: Citi Bank Converts Customers’ Deposits Into Digital Tokens
 Citigroup is coverting business assets into tokens. Retail customers will not be converted at this time. These tokenized assets can be transferred anywhere in the world instantly. The Fed pointed out that bank customers will not even know that they are using its new CBDC FedNow system.
Get Ready! CBDC's are coming to take your PRIVACY | Redacted with Clayton Morris
 Get Ready! CBDC’s are coming to take your PRIVACY
        Redacted with Clayton Morris
 The rollout of the CBDC’s, or Central Bank Digital Currency, is ramping into high gear as the Fed gets ready to remove cash from circulation. Make no mistake about it this is all about controlling everything you do. Dozens of countries have now moved out of the pilot program phase and are getting close to launching their CBDC’s.
🔴 G20 Calls For GLOBAL DIGITAL IDs, CBDC and Strict Crypto Regulation
 G20 Calls For GLOBAL DIGITAL IDs, CBDC and Strict Crypto Regulation
Lena Petrova
This report details the recent G20 summit in New Delhi. In their quest for more control, many G20 members discussed and reaffirmed their committment to digitize their societies through central bank digital currencies, digital IDs, 15 minute cities, etc. It’s hard to believe, yet many nations are on track for this bold conversion.


'God is Working': Christianity Surges in Communist Cuba
 ‘God is Working’: Christianity Surges in Communist Cuba
 Cuban pastor Carlos Alamino tells how God’s spirit is moving and bringing revival to the island nation despite heavy persecution.

5784: The Year of the Open Door”
Charlie Shamp, Moravian Falls, NC

As we enter the Jewish New Year of 5784, we step into a season of divine favor and unprecedented opportunities. The Lord has declared this year the “Year of the Open Door,” where new pathways will be revealed, and blessings will flow abundantly. Let us gather our hearts and seek prophetic insights into what lies ahead.
The Open Door
In the Hebrew calendar, the number eight symbolizes new beginnings, and the open door represents a gateway to God’s blessings and breakthroughs. Just as the Israelites crossed the Red Sea on dry land, leaving behind their bondage and entering into freedom, this year will mark a significant transition for God’s people. Additionally, the number 80 in Hebrew is represented by the letter “pey.” Moreover, the number four in Hebrew is represented by the letter “dalet,” which symbolizes a doorway or a path. It signifies stability, foundation, and the four corners of the earth. Therefore, as we step through the door of this new beginning, the number four reminds us to establish a solid foundation in our faith and embrace the divine path that lies ahead. More of this encouraging word of blessing during this season is here.


Israel Facing 200 Terror Alerts a Day | News on The 700 Club - September 18, 2023
 Israel Facing 200 Terror Alerts a Day
700 Club/ CBN News
 Terrorists have escalated their attacks in Judea and Samaria.Many are completed by Palestinians in their 20’s. Police are on heightened alert during this present season of the high holy days.
Hamas Vows New ESCALATION Against Israel as Multi-Front War Looms | Watchman Newscast
 Hamas Vows New ESCALATION Against Israel as Multi-Front War Looms
Watchman Newscast
 Erick Stakelbeck breaks down Hamas’s vow to wage a multi-front war against Israel. Hamas leader Saleh al-Arouri met with other terror leaders in Beirut over the weekend and pledged a united Palestinian front against Israel. Al-Arouri says his ultimate desire is to ignite a multi-front, Iran-backed Ring of Fire against Israel. Meanwhile, the Biden administration today released some $6 billion dollars in frozen assets to the Iranian regime in exchange for five U.S. citizens held in Iranian prisons. Is this really a ransom payment and does it set a dangerous precedent?

OHIO: Help Restore Medical Freedom for Heathcare Professionals through HB 73 now assigned to the Senate Health Committee; Please Act

 Ohio bill HB 73 has now been introduced to the Ohio senate. This bill if enacted would authorize the prescribing of off-label medications and if prescribed, to generally require their dispensing. This bill labelled the Dave and Angie Patient and Health Provider Protection Act.
Please reach out to senate President Matt Huffman as well as the Senate Health Committee members and let them know you hope to see them support and expedite the movement of HB 73 through the Senate, so that Ohio citizens can start reaping the benefits of expanded access to life-saving medical treatments, and the security of knowing that their doctor patient relationship is protected, and their doctor is sheltered from any retribution for providing the care their patients need!
Ohioans are tired of medical freedom being put on the back burner because leadership or committee chairs play games or make back door deals with the Chamber of Commerce or hospital lobbyists! You can help us build a fund to fight back so that when a legislator or lobbying group is blocking the movement of medical freedom we
Go here for contact info.

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