Newsletter November 7, 2023



Election News:
International News:
Immigration News:
Federal Government News:
Cities & States’ News:
Biden News:
Trump News:
Jan. 6 News Update:
Medical News:
Business & Economic News:
Crime News:
School News:
Prolife News:
Antisemitism News:



Is There a Food Crisis?

How Vertical Farming Could Fix The Food Crisis Using 95% Less Water

Are you concerned about the increasing food shortage? In this episode, Patrick Bet-David talks about the advantages of vertical farming and how it could potentially save the planet.

The Global Food Shortage: Can We Prevent a Hunger Crisis?

Patrick Bet-David explains the causes behind the looming global food shortage. Citing the Russia vs Ukraine war, extreme weather conditions, and economic factors.



He Did Not Quit!

Give Him 15 Daily Prayer with Dutch
“…The reversing of Roe was absolutely critical to the turning of our nation; God holds nations accountable for the decisions of their leaders. America, as a whole, has fed Baal and Molech the blood of innocent babies for 50 years. That national curse is now broken. We must turn our prayers to the states.
[Today]…November 7, “Issue 1 is on the ballot in Ohio. This proposed constitutional amendment would place legal abortion in Ohio’s state constitution.” Listen to Dutch’s encouraging admonition to all believers.



Hamas Activists STORM White House! Fight Cops, Deface Building, Vandalize Monuments, Scale Fence

There was another Hamasurrection in DC last night and corporate media is completely ignoring it



Intensity is Increasing In Israel | Israel Update

Jimmy Evans or Tipping Point
… [Jimmy Evans] will recap the recent events in Israel, provide insights on what I believe might happen next, and discuss what the Bible says about the current times we are living in.
I want to encourage each and every one of you to continue praying for Israel.




Mankind just fought its first SPACE BATTLE ... It was Israel vs WHO?!

Watchman Newscast LIVE

In what may have been the first space battle in the history of mankind, Israel has shot down a ballistic missile launched by Yemen’s Houthi rebels which had left the atmosphere. Glenn and Stu discuss this development and how unexpected it is that the Houthis are involved: “Star Wars has begun … who knew?”

LIVE: Americans Attacked

CBN News

Gaza fight and gets worse as Israeli Troops enter Gaza City. American troops are attacked across the Middle East and Hamas floats a peace plan? American troops in the Negev?


...Family, Friends Anxiously Await News of Hostages Held by Hamas

During the Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, Hamas terrorists also took around 240 hostages – men, women, and children, including elderly and disabled people. So far, the terror group has only released four.

Young Palestinian Girl EXPOSES the Truth About the FREE PALESTINE Movement

A Palestinian girl last week posted a statement that exposed the FREE PALESTINE Movement for what it truly is. The true face of Palestine and the ugly Pro-Palestinian and Hamas rallies around the world are now bared for all to see. While Israel fights Hamas in Gaza, the United States is meeting with the head of the Palestinian Authority promising to help them establish another Gaza-like State that would threaten the State of Israel.

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