Newsletter November 18, 2023

Election News:
International News:
Immigration News:
Medical News:
Environmental & Energy News:
Federal Government News:
Jan. 6 News Update:
Biden News:
Trump News:
Media & Entertainment News:
Religion & Religious Freedom News:
School News:
Prolife News:
 States’ & Cities’ News:
Crime News:
Antisemitism News:

Trump CAN’T STOP WINNING in Court!

Dr. Steve Turley explains the details of recent wins in the Trump cases and what these victories mean for his reelection, his political enemies, etc.

The Homeschooling Miracle in the Pacific Northwest: 'Nothing Is Impossible for God'

The scenery in Vancouver, Washington across the Columbia River from Portland is simply beautiful, a very appropriate setting for what’s taking place here. “The whole story is a miracle story, really,” Heidi St. John tells CBN News.
Heidi and her husband Jay started The Homeschool Resource Center in this area twenty years ago. What began as a small, humble homeschool ministry has now outgrown two locations thanks to a booming demand.
“God just kept putting on our hearts, ‘step forward in faith and I will bring the people and the resources,'” Jay St. John says. “He’s done that.”

Finnish Politician Wins After Facing Jail Time Over Bible Verse — but is the Battle Over?

A Finnish politician who faced a years-long legal battle for sharing her biblical views on sexuality has been found not guilty of hate speech for sharing a Bible verse, among other expressions. Dr. Päivi Räsänen, a member of Finland’s parliament whose religious freedom plight made international headlines, expressed relief after the Helsinki Court of Appeal unanimously dismissed the three criminal charges against her.

"1 Million Moms" Fights Wokeness

There will be two non binary trans performers featured in this year’s Macy’s Tahnskgiving’s Day parade. One Million Moms is asking Macy’s to keep the parade family friendly. If Macy’s doesnt repond, the Moms are warning families to not view the parade live on Thursday. The interview also calls attention to other televions programs that are not family friendly. In fact, they are satanic.

Real Estate Delinquencies Rise: Banks See Overdue Loans Hit 10-Year High, WeWork Bankruptcy Shock

This crisis is only beginning as commercial real estate loans come due. The impact will hit small and medium-sized banks more than major ones. Which cities will see the biggest hits? What will this mean to average citizens? The details of this situation are explained.

29 Felony Counts of BALLOT FRAUD in Exposed Scheme

In Patterson, New Jersey, the current sitting president of the city council, Alex Mendes, is being charged with running a criminal conspiracy in order to get himself elected to office.  in fact the State Attorney General said that Mr. Mendes’ wife as well as several other members of The campaign stole ballots from people’s mailboxes, filled them out; and then subsequently mailed in those fake ballots in order to win.  Furthermore Mr Mendes is charged with collecting large numbers of mail and ballots destroying the ballots that did not favor him and replacing those ballots with ones that did favor him. 

Paga, Extraordinaire! Prayer with Dutch Sheets

One of the meanings of the Hebrew word for “intercession,” paga, is “boundary” or “border,” the point at which two territories meet or connect, the extent to which a boundary reaches. In Joshua 19, paga is used repeatedly in this way. When used in the context of intercessory prayer, paga is the establishing of boundaries or walls of protection, the marking of territory as one’s own.(1) Through prayer, we can set boundaries and build walls of protection around individuals…we learn to pick up on the promptings of Holy Spirit, He will alert us to strategic times (kairos) we need to pray prayers of protection. In her book Listen, God Is Speaking to You, Quin Sherrer tells of a friend who heard the warning of the Lord for her home and prayed…

6 END TIMES Signs Happening RIGHT NOW in ISRAEL...

A Palestinian pastor shares the 6 signs of the end of the age that are happening right now with Ruslan. Some may even shock you.

EXPOSING Hamas For Who They REALLY Are

…Most would agree they are a monstrous terrorist group whose sole mission is to kill as many Jews as possible, with the ultimate goal of eradicating the nation of Israel. After the horrific massacre that the world was witness to on October 7th, 2023, where 1,400 Jews were tortured, raped, mutilated and then murdered, and 243 civilians taken hostage, the world’s sympathies lay squarely with Israel….but not for long. ..
The time has come to cut through the fog of propaganda so that we can discover the truth that has been in the shadows for years. Hamas is not a militant group, they are not freedom fighters, and they certainly have no “right” to murder and torture anyone.


'Terrified' Palestinian Christians Fear Genocide, Murder at Hands of Islamic Extremists, Hamas

CBN News

Author and communications strategist Joel Rosenberg issued an urgent plea to the Israeli government Friday, imploring leaders to quickly and systematically evacuate Christian Palestinians trapped in Gaza amid Israel’s ongoing war against Hamas. Rosenberg penned an open letter to “Israeli leaders at the highest levels of our government and the military,” detailing why he believes this evacuation must unfold. He spoke with CBN Digital on Friday to further frame the pressing matter.



Shabbat's Shield: Miraculous Stories of Survival on October 7 Israel Hamas War -

Rabbi Joey Haber

The IDF Just Captured The Gaza Harbor | UPDATE On Israel’s War With Hamas

The Israel Guys

The IDF just captured the Gaza harbor, thwarting Hamas plans to infiltrate Israel by sea.
The IDF is also beginning to release photos and videos from inside the Shifa hospital, showing Hamas weapons inside what is purported to be the terrorist’s main command center.
And an absolutely disgusting lie from the BBC

Israel says video from under a Gaza hospital shows a Hamas bunker

CBC News

Israel’s forces have reached Gaza’s largest hospital, where hundreds of patients and civilians are believed to be sheltering inside. Israel says Hamas is using them as human shields, and it produced images of what appears to be an underground bunker discovered under another hospital.

US Intelligence confirms Israeli claims that Hamas is using hospitals as bases

ABC News

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