Newsletter January 13, 2024

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The Failure Theatre Of Speaker Johnson’s Government Funding Deal

Citizens for Renewing America
This is a detailed explanation of the budget deal made between the Speaker of the House and the Senate majority leader.
…[O]n Thursday, our President, Russ Vought, walked us all through the current situation surrounding an agreement made by Speaker Johnson with Democrat Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. The explanation for why it is such a bad deal is fairly complicated, and there was no way to easily get through that call and explain it. If you got lost, and had trouble following it all, don’t worry, you weren’t alone. We spent a lot of time over the last few weeks unpacking it ourselves so that we could fully understand it, before being able to assess what should be done.
I’m going to attempt to provide an easier to understand version, and then I’m going to follow up with a second more technical version so that once you’ve digested the simple contours, you’ll know how to talk about this with your member of Congress. There is a window here to put pressure on Congress and impact the process.
Version 1: Short version – This is the language of a post on social media, with additional edits, I used to simply state how Republican leadership was surrendering the fight in DC…
“If I were a Republican who wanted to do everything I could to pretend to fight but just give Democrats what they want in the process, I would:
1. Abandon a full-year CR (continuing resolution… basically a government funding bill that sets spending at previously approved levels, a continuation of previous spending) that by a stroke of luck and previously agreed to sequesters, would result in $73 billion in cuts to woke and weaponized non-defense discretionary spending, but which protects previous increases to the topline of defense spending, and INSTEAD agree to a “spending deal” with Democrats that spends $100 billion more than a simple yearlong CR as outlined above would.
2. By agreeing to a spending deal that Democrats want, it also removes leverage to use spending to attain serious border security reforms, like HR2 (which would significantly move the needle on securing the border and forcing the hand of the Biden admin).
3. In order to headpat conservatives and keep them at bay on border security, you release a “bi-partisan” border security agreement that does nothing to actually change the situation on the border and doesn’t adopt any of the most important provisions of HR2, but it’s a border security bill so it’s hard for conservatives to message against it after they’ve been highlighting the problem for years.
4. To further headpat conservatives, you arrange a big border visit and say tough things about the border to gaslight Americans and make them think you are taking it seriously.
5. Given conservatives will point out that the “bi-partisan” border security bill does nothing to actually move the needle on the border and all it does is take the pressure off of Democrats, Mayorkas, and Biden in a campaign year and gives them wiggle room to continue to do nothing and makes it harder to pin the issue on them and hold them accountable with voters, you then deploy the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board to put out an editorial saying that if Republicans don’t embrace these “incremental” border security reforms, they are intentionally making the border more dangerous (even though it’s untrue) for political gain and therefore make conservatives, not the lawless Biden admin, and not the feckless Republican caucus, the bad guys.
If I wanted to set up the process to lose and hand Democrats victories and a glide path through 2024 to escape important electoral scrutiny, I’d do the above things. Through a turn of fortunate events, leverage on impacting the federal spending fight has emerged. Before we get to the part about Speaker Johnson not embracing this leverage, I’ll briefly explain it.
For more info and analysis go herehere, and here to hear Russ Vought interviews with Steve Bannon and Charlie Kirk.

Higbie: Lloyd Austin responsible for ISIS creation

On Monday’s “Carl Higbie FRONTLINE,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is under fire for not disclosing his hospitalization. Carl Higbie details his personal grievances with him.

San Francisco break-in suspect seen in viral bait car video arrested - EXCLUSIVE

Thanks to a NASA engineer’s ingenious fart spray boxes planted to entice car theifs to steal them in “bait” cars throughout San Franscisco, we see how San Francisco’s judges release repeat offenders to await trial. One of the suspects caught on the video created by YouTube star Mark Rober and I-Team’s Dan Noyes had been arrested by SFPD that earlier that same day and was charged with breaking into three cars in a separate incident.

Pastor Criminally Charged Amid Attempts to Help Homeless Refuses to Back Down

A Christian pastor is reportedly facing criminal charges for violating zoning laws. Pastor Chris Avell of Dad’s Place, a church in Bryan, Ohio, and First Liberty attorney Ryan Gardner join CBN Digital to discuss the shocking case.
“[Avell’s] facing 18 criminal charges for violating the city’s zoning laws,” a First Liberty news release reads. “The city is going after him because earlier this year Pastor Chris opened the church 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. He’s seeking to serve homeless people.”

You Paid For My Beach Home!

Flooded in Debt: Rand Paul’s Fight To Fix Federal Flood Insurance

As I reported years ago, Federal Flood Insurance encourages idiots like me to do foolish things like building a house on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean.
It was a risky place to build, but I did it anyway because government guaranteed my investment.
Eventually, my whole house was destroyed, but I didn’t lose a penny. Thanks!
But it’s wrong that you paid for my risk-taking, and it’s good that finally, one senator, Rand Paul, wants to limit this handout.

BOMBSHELL Vaccine Data - This Could Change EVERYTHING!

As Bret Weinstein informs Tucker of the alarming number of deaths resulting from the Covid vaccine, Pfizer makes a $43 Billion bet that ‘turbo cancers’ are going to explode around the world. But why, and could the two possibly be connected?

Trump Makes Shock Courtroom Move

Roman Balnakov discusses and analyzes Trump’s NY trial as it winds down– sharing very interesting and never- seen-before details that will certainly be appealed.

Fasting for Justice!

David Barton & Michele Bachmann

Former U.S. Rep. Michelle Bachman and historian and author, David Barton, strongly encourage Christians to fast as they pray for our nation especially as we see evil growing. They explain the history of prayer and fasting in our history that always proceeded a successful battle or conflict that would easily overwhelm the nation; they also explain why we fast. Share this message and consider praying and fasting with other brothers and sisters. Click this link for the full episode.


The IDF Discovers a New Massive HOSTAGE Tunnel

Israel Guys

The IDF's Master Plan To DISMANTLE Hamas Inside Gaza | Israel-Hamas War

TBN Israel

Israel ELIMINATES Hezbollah Drone Chief; Israel/Saudi Deal BACK ON?

Watchman News

The IDF Discovered a massive tunnel hostages were held in, we get to that and some more info coming from the front lines in Gaza as the fight continues every day.

Is Israel Done Fighting in the Gaza Strip? Will They Finish Destroying Hamas?

The Israel Guys

There are rumors going around on the internet that Israel is backing out of the Gaza Strip and is not going to eradicate Hamas. Many are wondering if Israel will actually finish what they started or will they cave to international pressure and negotiate a ceasefire with one of the greatest evils that has raised its head in the last decade? Are these rumors true?

TBN Israel’s Yair Pinto reports from the frontlines of the Israel-Gaza War while on active duty with the IDF. Pinto breaks down the terrain of the Gaza Strip, where Hamas terrorist cells are central to, and reveals the five main goals of the IDF to completely dismantle the Hamas military infrastructure.

Bound by Faith: Sapir Cohen's 55 Days of Captivity in Gaza as Hamas Hostage & Miracle Release Prayer

Sapir courageously shares the chilling details of her abduction, recounting the moments leading up to her captivity, the power of prayer that sustained her during the ordeal, and the unforeseen twists that unfolded.

Israel carried out an airstrike in southern Lebanon, eliminating Hezbollah’s drone chief Ali Hussein Burji. How will the well-armed Iranian terror proxy respond? Meanwhile, could the Israel-Saudi Arabia deal be back on? Are the prospects of more Arab countries joining the Abraham Accords still viable?

Will the October 7th Attack Be Repeated in Judea & Samaria?

The Israel Guys

Wake up world!!! The same security failures that lead to the Oct 7th massacre are repeating themselves in Judea and samaria. Yet no one seems to be taking it seriously! I sincerely hope that the Israeli high command stops following International opinion and does something before 1,000’s more are lost.

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