Newsletter January 30, 2024

Election News:
International News:
Medical News:
Federal Government News:
Biden News:
Trump News:
Trump Lawsuit News & Updates:
School News:
Prolife News:
Business & Economic News:
Media & Entertainment News:
Religion & Religious Freedom News:
Cities' & States' News:
Antisemitism News:
Crime News:
International Conflict/War News:
Immigration News:
Environmental & Energy News:

Bari Weiss on Why So Many Liberal Jews Became Instantly More "Conservative" After October 7

Megyn Kelly is joined by Bari Weiss, founder and CEO of the Free Press, to discuss former liberals becoming instantly “conservative” after October 7, what’s behind so many Black Americans opposing Israel and Jews, and more.

EXPLOSIVE Report: Did Nikki Haley SHIELD Boeing from SAFETY CHECKS?
Whistleblowers Say YES.

Senior fellow for aviation and travel at the American Economic Liberties Project, William McGee weighs in on new safety checks Boeing is adding to aero systems production

UN Palestinian Relief Workers Participate
in the Oct. 7 Israeli Attacks

UNRWA sacks staffers who allegedly participated in Oct. 7 attack; US pauses funding

Wion News

United Nations is deeply interconnected with Hamas: John Bolton


The UN agency for Palestinian refugees said Friday it had sacked “several” employees accused by Israel of involvement in Hamas’s unprecedented October 7 attack on southern communities. The accusation also prompted the United States to suspend critical funding to the organization.

On Friday’s “Newsline,” Former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton reacts to the U.S. pausing funding to United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) after staffers were involved in the October 7th attack.

Dr. Jordan Peterson: I've been sentenced to re-education and I'll fight back

Author and psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson argues on ‘Fox & Friends’ that the goal of the ruling is to take his license to practice clinical psychology and share details about his upcoming online university.

Black Americans & Illegal Migrants

Group of Black Democrats sue Chicago over migrant crisis

ENOUGH! Black Democrats are fighting back against illegal immigrants in their cities


Free Press staff writer Olivia Reingold discusses how Chicago residents are fed up with border crisis on ‘The Bottom Line.’

Black Democrats are suing to keep migrant centers out of their communities and it is working. These are the same voters who helped Democrats get elected and they feel betrayed that they can’t have schools and social programs but migrants get free rent, healthcare and shelter. This is real racism. Forget microaggressions. Making black communities less safe is actual racism.

New California bill introduced to physically stop cars from going 10 mph over speed limit

Senator Scott Wiener is introducing a new set of bills to make streets safer across California, including one that would change how you drive. It would require any new car or truck made or sold in the state in 2027 or later to have special technology installed in the car called “speed governors.”

Gay Weddings & Christian Guests?

Another Mega-Church Pastor Affirms GAY MARRIAGE!

Should a Christian Attend a Gay Wedding?

Unfortunately, many Christians are caving to societal pressure and affirming gay “marriage.” But, what is sad is to see Christian LEADERS not stand up and condemn this cultural practice of gay marriage. Here is another mega-church pastor who affirms attending a gay wedding.

Becket Cook, a Christian who left the gay lifestyle, explains the answer that many of us will have to answer.

The Satanic Temple Planning More After School Clubs in Response to Good News Clubs

The Satanic Temple (TST) is upsetting parents again as it plans to open two new after-school clubs this year, targeting schools where the Good News Clubs are already established.
In Memphis, Tennessee, controversy arose following the announcement by TST of its intention to start an after-school club for children aged from kindergarten through the 5th grade at a local school.
June Everett, a minister at the Satanic Ministry and campaign director for the After School Satan Club, emphasized that the club’s activities are benign.


IDF Soldiers wounded in Gaza combat find healing at hospital's rehabilitation center

i24News English

UPDATE: Pakistan RETALIATES Against Iran; U.S. & Britain TARGET Houthi Infrastructure

TBN Israel

100 Aid Trucks Were Just BLOCKED From Entering Gaza & Joe Biden is Furious

The Israel Guys

TBN Israel’s Yair Pinto and Mati Shoshani break down the latest developments in the Middle East. Shoshani reports on a U.S.-led coalition striking Houthi infrastructure in Yemen as the terrorist group continues attacking merchant vessels in the Red Sea. Further east, Pakistan has retaliated against Iran after an IRGC air strike inside the country, which follows on the heels of other Iranian missile strikes in Syria and Iraq. Shoshani also reports that Iran’s military nuclear program has reached an accelerated pace and may have produced enough uranium for several nuclear warheads.

Last week, the families of hostages still held in Gaza and as well as the families of soldiers who are fighting in the strip succeeded in blocking over 100 trucks of humanitarian aid from entering the Gaza strip. Their chant was that no more aid be sent into Gaza until the hostages be released. This demonstration enraged President Joe Biden that Israelis would be allowed to practice free speech and protest something they consider to be furthering the suffering of their loved ones inside of Gaza. Also, a BREAKING report just came out about talks of a hostage/ceasefire deal with Hamas. . .The propositions of this deal at best are absolutely ridiculous.

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