Newsletter February 27, 2024

Election News:
International News:
Medical News:
Environmental & Energy News:
Immigration News:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) News:
US Military / Conflict News:
Federal Government News:
Biden News:
Trump News:
Trump Trial News:
January 6 News Update:
School News:
Business & Economic News:
Media & Entertainment News:
Religion & Religious Freedom News:
Antisemitism News:
Crime News:
Cities' and States' News:
Flag and vote buttons

WATCH: Freedom Alive—Fighting for Election Integrity

Every aspect of American life is built on the bedrock of trustworthy elections. As citizens we have the privilege to vote and to have a voice in the direction of government. And fair and free elections should never be a partisan issue. And the media should never censor the truth to favor one party. In 2009, Catherine Engelbrecht started True the Vote, a nonpartisan voters’ rights and election integrity organization. On this episode of Liberty Counsel’s program, Freedom Alive®, Catherine shares why and how she has been fighting for Americans ever since.

Supreme Court Declines Challenge
After Stunning Appeal Reversal

The Supreme Court has decided not to hear the case challenging the “race-balancing” admissions policy at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Northern Virginia.

Justin Trudeau BUSTED using
Covid money to enrich his friends

Redacted with Clayton Morris

Did Justin Trudeau in Canada use Covid as a way to line his pockets and the pockets of his friends with fat contracts? Well that’s exactly the charged being leveled right now by Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre. Canadian journalist David Krayden joins us to explain.

Are YOU Prepared for an
Even BIGGER Cellular Outage?

Many Americans across the country woke up on Thursday morning without cell service. But we still don’t know what caused the outage, which greatly affected AT&T customers, as well as some users of Verizon and T-Mobile. Was it a solar flare? Or was it a massive cyberattack? Either way, many Americans got a small taste of what life would be like after such an attack. So, are you prepared for an even bigger cellular outage, which would wipe out much more than your cell service: food, water, medicine, our entire supply chain? Glenn speaks with “One Second After” author William Forstchen, who has been warning about the devastating effects of an EMP or cyberattack for years. He and Glenn explain what you should have on hand to be ready.

This Goes Deeper Than You Know! | Dr Pierre Kory EXPOSES Disinformation Playbook

Here’s a clip conversation with Dr Pierre Kory on ‘The Disinformation Playbook’ and how it is used to crush independent voices.
Dr Kory was a foremost doctor who treated patients with ivermectin and other proven therapies that ran against the government’s narrative for the public.

Ex-Psychic's Alarming Warning About Crystals, Evil, Witchcraft, and the Demonic

An ex-psychic who was once overtaken by the occult is speaking out about culture’s obsession with crystals, herbs, and other items tied to witchcraft. Jenn Nizza, a Christian who now shares her testimony on social media and through her new podcast, “Ex-Psychic Saved,” warned against young people’s increased use of such tools. “This is so New Age … using crystals for protection, to ward off evil, for enlightenment, to bring about psychic awareness, to place on Chakras, thinking you’re going to open them up and use the energy from the crystals,” she told CBN’s Faithwire.

Rosaria Butterfield Calls
Out Cru’s LGBTQ Compromise

“Dr. Rosaria Butterfield’s excellent talk at Liberty University… where she called out multiple Christian ministries for their weak stances on LGBTQ topics… [S]he nails the true, biblical definition of gender as well as how we should view same-sex attraction and same-sex-attracted Christians. In her talk, Dr. Butterfield called out the Revoice conference, Preston Sprinkle’s Exiles in Babylon conference, and Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ)… “
She explains what these ministries … teach about same-sex attraction and pronoun hospitality and …why it’s so important for ministries to be clear and explicit on these topics… The segment is at 11:00- 39:49 time marker.

Iran CRIPPLED By Gas Pipeline Attacks; Egypt BRACES For Gaza Refugees

Mati Shoshani reports on the Middle East. This week’s events include Iran’s unexpected claims on Antarctic territory, Egypt’s preparations for a potential Gazan refugee crisis, and the mysterious bombing of Iranian gas pipelines and chemical plants.

More and More Muslims are
Encountering Jesus in Dreams

One of the leaders of an organization working to spread the Gospel to Iranians reports that claims of Middle Easterners encountering Jesus in dreams are “quite common,” with the Lord using these interactions to draw individuals closer to Him. “God is using [dreams] to speak to Iranians all the time,” Lana Silk, U.S. director of Transform Iran, recently told CBN News. “He uses every method He can. … The Iranians are open to dreams; they are dreamers. They enjoy talking about their dreams, and they’re aware of their dreams, and God uses that to speak to them.”


Israel Heads to Qatar for Hostage Talks Amid Intense Fighting in Gaza

CBN News

IDF WARNS Hezbollah Leader Nasrallah; Hamas ATTACKS IDF At Nasser Hospital

TBN Israel

REVEALED: Hostage Exchange Details Released as Israel Prepares to Invade Rafah

Israel Guys
An Israeli team heads to Qatar today for more talks on a hostage deal as intense fighting continues in Gaza and along the northern border. Hezbollah has kept up its rocket attacks and suicide drones against northern Israel and Israel is striking back.
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says Israel is planning to ramp up its firepower in the north, regardless of the situation in Gaza.

Miracle Survivor: Pregnant Israeli Woman Escapes Highway Terrorist Attack Extraordinary Survival

In this gripping interview, witness the incredible tale of a pregnant woman’s harrowing escape from a terrorist attack on Highway 1 near Ma’aleh Adumim

Yair Pinto reports on the Israel-Hamas War. Pinto reports on the escalating tensions between Israel and the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah in Lebanon. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah currently faces a dangerous dilemma: engage in a full-scale war with Israel or face public humiliation by backing down. In Gaza, Pinto reports that the IDF has supplied an electrical generator to power Nasser Hospital and the delivery of vital humanitarian aid.

Israel’s Channel 13 has revealed the details of a new hostage exchange proposal, in return for which Israel would agree to a multi-week ceasefire, as well as releasing hundreds of convicted terrorists who are in Israeli prisons. At the same time, Netanyahu just announced that the Israeli cabinet will meet this week to approve the IDF’s invasion of Rafah, Hamas’ Gaza stronghold, where four Hamas battalions are located.

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