Newsletter March 5, 2024

Election News:
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US Military / Conflict News:
Federal Government News:
Biden News:
Trump News:
Trump Trial News:
January 6 News Update:
Media & Entertainment News:
Antisemitism News:
Cities' & States' News:
Crime News:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) News:
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Other News:

New York City's Migrant Crisis

NYC migrant crisis: Illegal immigrants housing bust, Mayor calls 'doom city'

FOX 5 reports two illegal NYC migrant shelters housing dozens of illegal people were caught by NYPD in the span of two days. Mayor Eric Adams said, “You place one-thousand people in one setting and tell them they can’t work, all they can do is sit around all day, tempers flare.” More than 50 migrants were found illegally housed inside an overcrowded two-story building. Officials raided the building and NYC Dept. of Buildings issued a vacate order.

It Begins... NYC Migrant Deportation Flights: NO MORE SANCTUARY CITY!

NYC Starts Deporting Migrants. NYC No More Sanctuary City. Hospitals, Schools and Hotels are filled with Migrants. The city argues that knowingly sending migrants here “to overwhelm our social services system” violates New York State law.
Migrants at shelters across New York City will be evicted if they stayed for at least 60 days.
Outrage over NYC migrant shelter evictions. Now, immigrations advocates and local politicians are blasting Mayor Eric Adams and demanding an end to the policy. ..

Chile Fire just like Maui! They did it again!

Chile Fire just like Maui! They did it again!

Greetings Truth Seekers and Independent Investigators. Join me for another premiere, tomorrow at 12 noon PST, 10 am HST, where I show similarities between the Chile fire and the Maui fire, including:
…Blue items were spared and left unburnt, as well as green and red items, the same colors that require different colored lasers at the tattoo removal clinic:

Texas Fire Land Grab Now!

To all Truth Seekers and independent investigators. Here are some clips and images from the MASSIVE fire in Texas going on right now. It is absolutely huge and is destroying valuable farm land that is home to many cattle. This will be affecting our food supply. Some anomalies seen in this Texas fire include firenadoes, unusual burn and wind patterns, and reports of road blocks as well as a speech from our President talking about homes with certain roofs being spared by the fire. I will be following this event closely and report as more info becomes available.

Kindness of Pro-Lifers Helped
Change Her Mind on Abortion

Alina Clough is a writer at Evie magazine which focuses on the needs of women. For years she spoke out about a woman’s right to an abortion.
“I just thought for years that it was the compassionate thing to do,” Clough told CBN News. “I had bought into a lot of lies, specifically in college. I never really centered the unborn in the conversation.”

Is the EV Car Market Imploding?


The author bought a $103,000 Audi Etrong GT and then the Electric Vehicle Car Market Collapsed. The author of this report explains the details of why the EV car market is collapsing.

Why Audi EV's getting huge discounts and still not selling

Although Audi has created a superior quality EV, the author gives an analysis that explains why there seems to be no market.

The Truth Behind Soaring Food Prices

Americans are paying their highest food costs in more than 30 years. Why is it so expensive? Jonathan Hartley explains.

Our Prayers Enforce the Will and Victory of God

Enforcing Satan's Defeat by Wielding Our Swords

The Hebrew word for intercession, paga, means literally “to meet.”(1)This can be a meeting of people, the boundaries of two pieces of land, the earth, and sky (the horizon) – it really doesn’t matter what the context is; the point is that two entities come together. Intercession is birthed from our communing with our Father, God. We meet with Him in a relational sense, and from that connection, other meetings are created.
Not all meetings are pleasant, however. Some can actually be violent. Proverbs 17:12 tells us: Let a man meet a bear robbed of her cubs, rather than a fool in his folly. “Meet” is this Hebrew word paga…
Our responsibility is not to re-defeat satan, but to enforce this victory as we, too, meet the powers of darkness. It is interesting to know that Jesus used the same word, luo, to describe what we, the Church, are to do through spiritual warfare. Matthew 16:19 tells us, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” 

Angels: Supernatural Enforcers

“I believe Holy Spirit has revealed a Kingdom strategy for the Ekklesia that has now been activated at a new level. This will demand that we function as a true Ekklesia, the word Christ used to define the church. Remember, ekklesia, the word translated as “church” in the New Testament, is a Greek word that refers to a judicial or legislative body.(1) The word is used 113 times in the New Testament, proving it was intentional, an on-purpose name for the church. This meaning MUST be understood in order for us to comprehend our mission statement. 

'Iran Marches Across the Middle East': Threat to US and Allies Escalates as Ramadan Nears

The Iranian threat hovers over tensions in the Middle East as the hardline Islamic regime continues to fund proxies in the region. Senators on the Foreign Relations Committee put the issue front and center this week.
Members of the committee heard from experts about the ongoing threat Iran poses. Iran remains a destabilizing force in the Middle East as Israel fights to eradicate Hamas. Avoiding a larger conflict continues to be the goal of the U.S. but figuring out exactly how to do that remains tricky…

UPDATE: Syria Fears ISIS Resurgence; Houthis Strike MAJOR Underwater Internet Cables

TBN Israel’s Mati Shoshani reports on the Middle-East. The Kurds in Syria are sounding the alarm about the resurgence of ISIS. The USA and Britain’s military actions in Yemen provoke a Houthi response, damaging critical underwater communication cables. Meanwhile, Lebanon faces a devastating collapse due to Hezbollah’s actions. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments here on TBN Israel.


Israel Airstrike ELIMINATES Hezbollah Leader Nasrallah’s Grandson

Watchman Newscast LIVE

Breaking news out of the Middle East, as an Israeli airstrike eliminates Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah’s grandson. The takeout come as Israel’s northern border with Lebanon is at a tipping point, as just today an anti-tank missile shot by Hezbollah killed a foreign laborer from Thailand. Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris publicly lambasted the Jewish State over its war in Gaza against Hamas, as pressure from Western diplomats to impose a Palestinian State increases. Also, find out the latest up-to-the-minute details on the IDF’s coming offensive against the southernmost city of Gaza, Rafah.

BREAKING: Ultrasonic IDF Drone STRIKES Terrorists; Hamas Receives MILLIONS In Funding

TBN Israel

TBN Israel’s Yair Pinto reports that Hamas has received over $100 million in funds from Iran, as well as other income from investments and donations disguised as humanitarian aid organizations linked to the Muslim Brotherhood. In Gaza, the IDF has eliminated a Hamas recruiter and continues to dismantle the terrorist organization’s vast infrastructure.

BREAKING: U.S. Air Drops Thousands of Food Packets Into the Gaza Strip

Israel Guys

The US has completed its first air drop of humanitarian supplies into Gaza following similar moves from Jordan France and others in an attempt to get more food inside of the Gaza strip while simultaneously trying to stop Israel from finishing to mop up Hamas in Gaza so that the war can actually end and people’s live can get back to normal. But no, prolonging the war by pressuring Israel to leave a quarter of Hamas terrorists alive, seems to be the preference of most “civilized” nations of the world.

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