Newsletter March 9, 2024

Election News:
International News:
Environmental & Energy News:
Immigration News:
School News:
Prolife News:
Federal Government News:
Biden News:
Trump News:
Trump Trial News:
January 6 News Update:
Business & Economic News:
Media & Entertainment News:
Religion & Religious Freedom News:
Antisemitism News:
Crime News:
Cities' & States' News:
Medical News:

Biden's State of the Union: Reactions

Tucker Carlson Responds to Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address

Tucker Carlson responds to Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address.

Biden's SOTU Reactions & Laken Riley

This report reports reaction from lawmakers and media figures to Biden’s speech. Anger, disturbed, slurred words, etc. were common observations.

Kirk Cameron Takes on
Scholastic Book Fairs

For years Kirk Cameron has made public libraries a focal point in his effort to make wholesome content available to kids. The actor and producer is now entering a new arena by competing against Scholastic Book Fairs which is the world’s largest publisher and distributor of children’s books.
He is partnering with Sky Tree Book Fairs, a nonprofit group that aims to equip children with books that promote positive values and lifestyles all while respecting parents and guardians as the ultimate authority to determine what their child reads.

Billionaires are Building Bunkers. Do They Know Something We Don't?

Vantage with Palki Sharma

Billionaires have a new obsession: underground bunkers. They are building it all over the world. Reports suggest Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg is building on in Hawaii with a price tag of $270 million. But why are the world’s super rich obsessed with bunkers? Do they know something that we don’t? Palki Sharma tells you

Record Response to the Gospel Along US Southern Border: 'A Harvest of Souls'

Along the U.S. southern border, record numbers of people are responding to the Gospel. It’s part of a 10-city evangelistic tour by Franklin Graham that’s ministering to those hard-hit by the border crisis.
In an interview aboard his tour bus in Eagle Pass, Graham told CBN News that last year he felt the Lord prompting him to preach in the many border communities that are struggling.
“This is kind of a forgotten part of the United States,” he said. “You have cartel people who take advantage and smugglers that take advantage and you’ve got just good people that live here that get caught in the middle of all of this stuff and they have to deal with it.”

Juice: Why Wind and Solar Make Our Power Grid Less Reliable

Politicians and activists tell how “renewable” energy will save us from the climate “crisis.”
They don’t tell us about the real costs of green power.

Our Prayers Enforce the Will and Victory of God

Firenadoes! Natural or Man Made? Painting your roof BLUE

To all Truth Seekers and independent investigators. In Shane’s presentation, he will be going into more details about microwave technology and how it affects objects found in the aftermath of some suspected directed energy attacks. How do Blue, Green, and sometimes red items survive? Find out here! Also we discuss the firenadoes and how they form.

Watching Maui fire from Sailboat. Water tornadoes, waves moving backwards

To all Truth Seekers and Independent Investigators. Here are some wind and water anomalies seen during the Maui fire:
1. Water cyclones, which are very very unusual, especially over the waters of Hawai’i. I’ve never seen that.
2. Rolling waves were going out to sea versus coming in to shore. Again very unusual, something I’ve never observed.
3. Small patches of wind going across the surface of the water. Again, something in all of my years being out in a boat looking out at the water in Hawaii, never seen that in my life.

Ex Maui Police Officer breaks his silence

Retired Assistant Police Chief Clyde Holokai clarifies many details with us about the new information we found, including Chief Faaumu’s retirement, Commissioner Mark Redeker committing ethics violations (by disclosing confidential information to Pelletier to give him an unfair advantage in the selection process), collusive behavior and actions by Commission members to gain control over MPD, and how poorly Pelletier mistreated Terry Jones and others.
He gives several examples of people like himself being forced out of the department as a result of the “hostile work environment” which eventually earned Pelletier 8 official complaints reported to the State of Hawaii …Pelletier may finally be held accountable for something.

Raising Sexually Faithful Kids: Mark Sanders (Harvest USA) Interview

The Becket Cook Show
…Becket chats with Mark Sanders, the President of Harvest USA. They discuss two new FREE courses on their website: “Raising Sexually Faithful Kids,” and “Parenting Boys and Girls in a Gender-Confused World.”
Harvest USA brings the truth and mercy of Jesus Christ by helping individuals and families affected by sexual struggles and by providing resources that address biblical sexuality to individuals and churches.

"Black Holocaust" - Candace Owens Says Planned Parenthood
Murdered Black Americans

Joining Patrick, Candace and Chris are Adam Sosnick, Tom Ellsworth, and Vincent Oshana. In this clip, they discuss the holocause for black people, how the U.S. government enslaves Americans thru social services, and LBJ’s racist programs.

UPDATE: Qatar & Al Jazeera's DANGEROUS Influence In Mideast Politics

TBN Israel’s Mati Shoshani reports on the Israel-Hamas War. Shoshani breaks down the role of Qatar in the Israel-Hamas War, having established itself as mediator for hostage release, while also maintaining close ties and funding terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East. Learn how Al Jazeera, the Qatari-owned news network, influences the Arab world through its critique of neighboring governments.


Hamas to ENFLAME Temple Mount During Ramadan? Israel on HIGH ALERT

Watchman Newscast LIVE

Is Hamas planning on stoking the flames of violence on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount during the Muslim holiday of Ramadan? The Jewish State is on high alert to keep the tensions from boiling over into the streets. TBN Israel’s Yair Pinto breaks down why the Al-Aqsa Mosque, atop the Temple Mount, is such a global political flashpoint. How can Christians be praying for God’s Holy City in these turbulent times?

IDF Deploys ELITE Unit Into Gaza; Hamas Chief Sinwar Waging Mind Games

TBN Israel

Yair Pinto reports on the Israel-Hamas War. Pinto reports that Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has lost touch with reality and is now waging a war not of military strength and achievement, but rather manipulation. The IDF continues its “Crown of the West” operation in Khan Yunis where it has dismantled further terrorist infrastructure. Pinto also reports on the steady flow of humanitarian aid reaching South Gaza, but also of the aid shortages in northern part of the strip.

IDF Dismantles MAJOR Tunnel Route; Gaza Militias Defend AGAINST Hamas

TBN News

TBN Israel’s Yair Pinto reports on the Israel-Hamas War. Pinto reports that Gaza families have begun forming defense committees to protect themselves from Hamas and other terror elements. The families are working to defend their property and homes from looting, and to ensure humanitarian aid reaches citizens and is not stolen by Hamas. Pinto also reports on the great amount of humanitarian aid, mostly food, which enters the Gaza Strip daily. This is in complete contrast to the lie Hamas promotes that Israel is starving Gazans, while they themselves hijack aid trucks and steal supplies.

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