Newsletter April 16, 2024

Election News:
International News:
Environmental & Energy News:
Immigration News:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) News:
US Military / Conflict News:
Federal Government News:
Biden News:
Trump Trial News:
Medical News:
Business, Economic, & Technology News:
Religion & Religious Freedom News:
Antisemitism News:
Cities' & States' News:
Prolife News:
School News:

We are watching Scotland COLLAPSE in real time, this is INSANE


In the first week since Scotland’s “hate speech” bill went into effect, police say that they have received over 8,000 reports and they just can’t keep up. If this keeps up, it means that police would have more hate crimes on their hands than actual crimes. So that will get worse as police now have to handle reports of who hurt your feelings or upset you. Way to go Scotland. You were warned.

Deadly Attacks Escalate Against
Myanmar Christians

Government forces are destroying their churches and killing them. In Karen and Karenni states, ethnic Christians are under siege and daily bombardment by ruling junta fighter jets. Chuck Holton gives us an exclusive look at the front lines with the Free Burma Rangers and shares his experience taking cover in a drainage ditch as the FBR responded to help the people in need. “If they spotted us (reconnaissance aircraft) they would call in fighter jets to strike at us.”

What Is a Woman? Court Case in Australia will FINALLY tell us!


A major case in Australia will decide if women can have single-sex spaces and whether or not a woman can feel threatened by a man if that man is dressed as a woman.

Scheme to Eliminate Electoral College 76%

Redacted News
Last week, the state legislature of Maine became the 17th in the nation to pass a bill that will effectively eliminate the Electoral College.
Unbeknownst to most people, there is a serious effort in this country to make the presidential election a simple popular vote. And even though most people have never heard about this effort, it’s actually already 76 percent complete—meaning that the Electoral College is truly at risk of getting completely scrapped in the near future.
This effort is officially called the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. And what it basically is, is an agreement between the states that join to give their electoral votes to whichever candidate wins the popular vote at the national level.

It's Happening: FBI & CIA and Sting Operations to Shut Down Dissenters by Dirty Tricks

Russell Brand

A CIA and former FBI officer admits to an undercover journalist that FBI agents did attend Jan 6 protests, and explains how intelligence agencies disempower political opponents, such as Alex Jones. Interview here.

UPDATE: Lahaina Fires & Maui Land Grabs

Whistleblower Eric Hecker's Disclosure on Secret Technologies!

Eric J. Hecker! Eric is a whistleblower from Raytheon Polar Services and the National Science Foundation at the South Pole Station.
In this interview Eric reveals the various capabilities of the technology located at the South Pole Station in Antarctica, and also gives his informed opinions on the use of such technologies on Maui. Be sure to look for the full interview which will Premiere this week!

Governor Green's "Venice of the Pacific" on Maui

In this Lahaina Fire Update, Governor Green is attempting to invoke eminent domain for the redevelopment of Moku‘ula and its surrounding fishpond Mokuhinia into a ‘Venice of the Pacific’ Tourist Water Feature. “We’re going to take unilateral action to restore this sacred space to the community,” Green said in a recent interview. The governor has tasked his attorney general, Anne Lopez, and the Department of Land and Natural Resources chair, Dawn Chang, to “make it happen.”
“The executive action Green says he intends to take follows the death of two bills this legislative session that set out to accomplish similar goals. Those measures drew significant opposition, with much of the criticism coming from early versions that had government authorities on Oahu controlling the parameters of a cultural corridor and shaping the pond’s restoration.”

Millions of Iranian Muslims CONVERTING to Christianity with Dr. Hormoz Shariat

The Rosenberg Report

Joel Rosenberg speaks with Dr. Hormoz Shariat, a former Iranian Shia Muslim convert to Christianity. Shariat shares his testimony of coming to faith in Jesus and the ministry he now leads spreading the Gospel message through television in Iran. Why are millions of Iranian Muslims questioning Islam?


Iran Vows to CONQUER Jerusalem as Word Awaits Israeli COUNTERATTACK

Watchman Newscast LIVE

The global community is on edge, as Iran vows to conquer Jerusalem, while the world awaits the Israeli counterattack. In a shockingly brazen move, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei took to X and shared in Hebrew that, “Holy Al-Quds [Jerusalem] will be in the hands of the Muslims.” Will the IDF’s response to Saturday’s attack be an all-out assault on Iran’s nuclear facilities? What are the prophetic implications of this rapidly escalating war?


Israel MyChan

Who are the present day Palestinians? Do they have an ancient attachment like the Israelis that is even longer than theirs?

Israel INTERCEPTS Largest MISSILE Barrage Ever Recorded AGAINST Them

TBN Israel

Yair Pinto reports on Iran’s attack against Israel. Join Pinto as he breaks down the night Israel faced over 300 Iranian missiles and UAVs. Explore the technological marvels and collaborative defense efforts that led to a near-perfect interception rate and maintained Israel’s national security during this unprecedented assault

Military analyst explains why Israel withdrew almost all troops from southern Gaza

Sky News
Only one brigade remains in Khan Younis after Israel withdrew almost all of its troops from southern Gaza.
Military analyst Michael Clarke explains what this means for the future of the conflict.

Israel's War Cabinet Weighs Counter-Strike for Iran Missile Attack

Following the biggest drone and missile attack in history, Israel is deciding how to respond to Iran’s strike that launched more than 300 projectiles over the weekend.
The question is whether Israel will counter-attack, or whether allies, especially the U.S., will succeed in restraining Israel’s military response.
Firing drones, ballistic missiles, and cruise missiles early Sunday, Iran’s action brought a 45-year shadow war with Israel into the light.
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