Newsletter 3/31/2023

Nashville Shooting News:
Jan. 6 Update News:
International News:
Federal Government News:
State Government News:
Biden News:
Trump News:
Crime News:
Immigration News:
Business & Technology News:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) News:
Banking News:
School News:
Prolife News:
Medical News:
Environmental & Energy News:
Religion & Religious Freedom News:
Media & Entertainment News:

Why Do Transgender Activists Angry and Lean to Violence?

Tucker: The trans movement is targeting Christians
Tucker: The trans movement is targeting Christians
Tucker Carlson analyzes the contrasts between the transgender community and the Christian church. The stark differences can explain the anger, and now the extreme transgender people call to violence toward Christians as Tucker demonstrates.
Andy Ngo tells Tucker about the 'extremist trans fringe'
Andy Ngo tells Tucker about the ‘extremist trans fringe’
The Post Millenial’s Andy Ngo said people who suffer from gender dysphoria also suffer from ‘very high rates of mental health comorbidities’ on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’

Parents Are Winning in the Schools!
Victory News

Tamra Farah with gives a brief report of the wins for parents for their students. Listen to her give the details all parents need to know including Congress’s newly passed “Parents Bill of Rights. “
Parents Are Winning in the Schools! | Victory News

University releases shocking list of offensive words including ‘American,’ ‘Christmas tree’

“Audrey Whipple, a Campus Reform correspondent at Michigan State University, weighs in on the institution’s list of ‘bigoted phrases’ that she claims hinders free speech of everyday Americans”
University releases shocking list of offensive words including 'American,' 'Christmas tree'

What Is Happening to the U.S. Dollar & What does it mean for the nation
and for you?


In 3 days EVERYTHING changes for the US Dollar

March 29, 2023
Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris
“In three days the federal reserve begins rolling out the new US digital dollar rollout program. The program will slowly unfold until widespread adoption in July. Cash dollars are already being phased out at government offices, parks and museums. This is the biggest change to the US dollar since it was removed from the gold standard in the 1970’s.”

Just Got Real!!!

De-Dollarization Just Got Real!!!
Dr. Steve Turley explains how that nations are choosing not to trade in US dollars to create a liberal world order. China and France are now trading fuel in yuan (Chinese currency). Saudi Arabia, Russia, Brazil agree to use the yuan not the US dollar. Find out what BRICS is and what this “spells” for the US. and the West.

Sovereignty At Stake:
Jimmy Evans & Michele Bachmann Share Urgent Matter and Time-Sensitive Response

“Is a backroom deal threatening to take away the United States’ power of self-governance? Former congresswoman Michele Bachmann and @JimmyEvans expose an accord that the World Health Organization is seeking that will give them power over America’s health policies during a pandemic without the consent of congress. Could more nations’ sovereignty be at risk? Hear the full details in this shocking conversation!” What can you do? Look at the Call to Action section below.
Sovereignty At Stake: Jimmy Evans & Michele Bachmann Share Urgent Matter and Time-Sensitive Response


Israel’s SURGING Rightwing CRUSHES Liberal Protests!!!
Dr. Steve Turley discusses how the leftist driven protests against Benjamin Netanyahu over judicial reform have been squashed. The legacy (mainstream media) fails to report that there are thousands more who support the prime minister and have had their own protests. Although Israel is a modern state it does not have a functioning written constitution which makes it unique.
Israel/U.S. Relations Heading for CRISIS After Biden Slams Netanyahu? | Watchman Newscast
Israel/U.S. Relations Heading for CRISIS After Biden Slams Netanyahu?
“Erick Stakelbeck’s breaks down a brewing crisis between the U.S. and Israel following remarks by President Biden slamming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Biden wants Bibi to halt judicial reform legislation permanently and said he’s “very concerned” about Israel’s democracy. “”

Formerly Gay Man Could Go to Jail After Sharing Testimony of Finding God, Embracing Bible

Formerly Gay Man Could Go to Jail After Sharing Testimony of Finding God, Embracing Bible
An ex-LGBT activist is reportedly facing potential prison time after sharing his testimony of leaving behind a gay lifestyle to follow Christ. Matthew Grech, who lives in Malta, told CBN’s Faithwire about his journey from out of the occult and same-sex relationships and his foray into the Christian faith… Problems began, though, when Grech shared his story with a local outlet in Malta. He said there were two presenters with PMnews Malta who wanted to know more about the nation’s crackdown on so-called conversion therapy and his take on the matter. Malta in 2016 became the first European Union country to ban attempts to “change, repress or eliminate a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression,” leading to fines or even jail time…”

Exorcism, deliverance, healing from the demonic: Reporter who escaped occult explains biblical battle

“What are deliverance, exorcism and demonic possession? What does it mean to find true spiritual freedom?
With the topic of “deliverance” on many people’s hearts and minds these days and with the church continuing to debate the role of evil in humans’ lives, many questions persist about the Bible’s handling of spiritual warfare.
Christian Post reporter Jeannie Ortega Law, who came out of the occult as a child before becoming a believer, breaks down some of the most challenging questions and answers on today’s “Inside Story.”” LIsten to the podcast here.


Christian college students speak out about nationwide campus revival
Christian college students speak out about nationwide campus revival
“Campus Reform correspondent Haika Mrema traveled to Baylor University to ask the students their thoughts on the Christian revival movement sweeping American college campuses.”
Stark Spiritual Extremes: As Some Churches Die, New Life Is Born
Stark Spiritual Extremes: As Some Churches Die, New Life Is Born
“…Studies consistently show the benefits of church attendance for people of faith on their emotional and relational health. Despite the positive outcomes, 4,500 Protestant churches closed in 2019 according to the latest data available from Lifeway Research. That number far outpaces the 3,000 churches that launched in the same time span…[but these] very difficult circumstances in which some congregations are forced to reimagine their call to serve communities that no longer look the same as when their churches started.
“Instead of saying you can come join our church, they said what if we join their church?” Smietana explained. “They have a continued ministry because this church said there’s something bigger than just us and our survival.” The congregations emerging from these conditions demonstrate the Church as the people who are reaching out to their communities — not a building.

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