About Us

Mission Statement

Robin’s Watch exists to keep the conservative Christian informed, encouraged, and engaged through a curated collection of information from many trustworthy sources. 


I am a teacher of history, English, and Bible for students ranging from 7 to 70 years old for over 25 years although she loves teaching the Bible the most. I am a Christ follower since the age of 10, the wife of Terry (35 years), a mother of 4 adult children, and grandmother of two grandchildren. My ultimate goal is to continue a deepening relationship with Christ and to encourage others to do the same. That’s why Robin’s Watch exists. Robin’s other interests beside being a “news hound”) is Bible study; meeting with friends for lunch, dinner, or shopping; playing volleyball; Zumba, and enjoying a beach anywhere.


Robin’s Watch is a “concierge” news service which gathers articles, blogs, editorials, prophetic and biblical teachings related to current events from various platforms for readers who do not have the time to do so.  Subscribers receive weekly emails  with  organized collection of news, etc.   The goal  is to help conservative Christians stay well-informed; be encouraged as they see God working in current events; and engage them to act in their own communities, cities, and states on issues that matter to them.


During the COVID-19 lockdowns of 2020, I realized that I was only getting one side of the news—the liberal side– and started consuming news, commentaries, and blogs of conservative news sources. Starting in May of 2020, I noticed that the Ohio governor’s daily news conferences were missing facts and details such as:  


1) the number of people who recovered from COVID; 

2) the treatments that doctors had used  to treat the recovered ;

3) the COVID case fatality rates (number of COVID deaths/ number of COVID cases) 

4) the mortality rates of COVID (COVID deaths / total state population)  


I also was curious about other states’ COVID fatality and mortality rates and their mortality rate in my state. 


I discovered the missing data that I was looking for through several conservative news sources and found them to be trustworthy. I found that the mortality rate for COVID victims was less than 1% in all states although New York’s rate was the highest at  .17% , and Ohio’s was only .03%. The recovery rate for patients, in the nation and state by state, was approximately 98%  in 2020. These same news sources also reported that doctors were treating COVID patients with antibodies from recovered patients as well as   well-established and safe   medications   that were effective in fighting the virus. At about the same time, I discovered established Bible teachers and prophetic leaders who were sharing spiritual perspectives on current events. These news sources and Christian leaders helped me make sense of what was happening in the world and how God was moving. 


 About 18 months ago, I started sharing this same content with friends through social media through a messenger thread. Many of them appreciated the daily posts especially since it freed up their time while keeping them well-informed, and sometimes they would discover stories that they were not aware of. Through Robin’s Watch, I can serve even more like-minded believers with truthful, current, and understandable news that can help them see the “big picture.”   As for me, when I became better informed, I was motivated to pray with friends about issues and became politically active by volunteering for local conservative and Christian candidates’ campaigns. I would hope that being better-informed will move readers to do something– little or big.  That’s why there is a “Call to Action” included in each newsletter. 

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