CALL TO ACTION 7/15/2023

“Consider telling the US government what you think about the WHO’s power grab. Get it on record,” urges Meredith Nass, M.D. Dr. Nass, who advocates for medical freedom, sees the WHO’s attempted power grab which would govern how governments manage a pandemic including digital passports, border closures, quarantines, lockdowns and restriction of medications. She shares details on the
August 8, 2023, will be a special election for voters to approve or reject Issue 1. Issue 1 is a resolution that would elevate the standards necessary to change the state’s constitution—ensuring that at least 60% of Ohioans agree to amend the state constitution.
Make no mistake: Passing Issue 1 directly affects the issue of abortion in Ohio. The abortion lobby is attempting to ram through abortion-on-demand constitutional amendment in the November election while no one is looking. Passing Issue 1 will STOP abortion radicals from trying to enshrine murder into our state’s founding document. 
To make our voices heard and protect the preborn, we must ensure that our supporters are registered to vote before July 10, 2023. Go to to verify your voting information is up-to-date or register to vote.  Additionally, planning ahead ensures our votes are counted . Request an absentee ballot OR find your early in-person voting location to prepare TODAY. More details here.
Miami Valley Boards of Election Links:
Join a prayer community
Dayton Student House of Prayer (DSHOP) is a local prayer ministry that is open for prayer and worship during lunch time at their downtown location. There are also evening sessions for prayer and Bible study.
Intercessors for America provides many ways to connect with other believers in order to pray for current event issues, legislation, and government leaders. This relevant ministry provides the following: Prayer guides, live prayer calls– for nationally and for your state, biblically based commentaries on today’s news events, information on current bills before Congress, etc.
The World Prayer Network is, in effect, a virtual, online church service each Sunday and Wednesday evening. WPN provides a continuous flow of Biblically grounded, sound and dependable information, along with prayer, Scripture, praise and worship. For more ministry details and to view past prayer calls go here.
Family Research Council is a nonprofit research and educational organization dedicated to articulating and advancing a family-centered philosophy of public life through many avenues. It also facilitates prayer calls for current issues. Prayer calls are scheduled on Saturdays, Mondays, and Tuesdays. More details at this link
CitizenGO helps ordinary citizens who want to work for the good of their communities through petitions, etc.
What is CitizenGO?
CitizenGO is community of active citizens who work together, using online petitions and action alerts as a resource, to defend and promote life, family, and liberty. We work to ensure that those in power respect human dignity and individuals’ rights.
Do you want to change the world? Thousands of like-minded people will help you! Click this link to learn more.
Tired of supporting companies with a woke agenda?
Join thousands of freedom-loving Americans in shopping quality products, services, and exclusive discounts from values-aligned businesses. Public Square: does the vetting for you so you can be more intentional with your spending without compromising on quality. Tired of supporting companies.
Are you or someone you know feeling sick after taking the COVID injection?
Feeling Unwell Since Your Covid-19 Jab? You’re Not Alone and Support is Available by STUART BRAMHALL is a helpful resource for support and medical treatment guide.
Parents Defending Education:
Find out if your local school district is indoctrinating your children or grandchildren on their US “indoctrination” map. According to PDE, “THERE ARE PROBLEMS. For PDE’s List of School District Transgender – Gender Nonconforming Student Policies & Incidents in Local Districts (nationwide)
Terra Firma is an organization of teachers alarmed by the rise of liberal agendas in education, working to restore integrity and quality to our profession. Its members reject narrow and divisive identity-focused frameworks for learning. Website link.
Dayton Apologetics is an organization that teaches classes, hosts events, and provides resources for the purpose of defending scripture and the Christian worldview, while challenging non-Biblical beliefs with grace.
A local Dayton meeting is held:
WHEN: Every 4th Thursday of the month, 7:00- 8:30pm
WHERE: 2275 S. Patterson Blvd, Kettering
Website link here.
Support ministries that evangelize Israeli Jews (& Arabs):
One for Israel : a movement of Jewish and Arab Israeli followers of Jesus with a commission to reach their country and the nations with the Gospel… through media outreach, and to train and empower local ministers in Israel with our Bible college and discipleship programs.

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