February 2024 Call to Action

Email Your Representative Today and Support Rep. Kevin Hern’s PROTECT Kids Act

From repeated cybersecurity attacks on critical American infrastructure, to intellectual property theft, and now, the infiltration of the American education system, it’s clear that our leaders need to act NOW to stop the threats posed by the People’s Republic of China. 
Thankfully, they may soon have an opportunity to do so.
Representative Kevin Hern (R., OK-1) introduced a bill in Congress to cut federal funding for schools that foster ties with the Chinese government or Chinese Communist Party-affiliated entities. This is a vital bill that would protect American institutions and students. 
… Parents Defending Education, our partner organization, released a report that found that more than 140 American school districts had fostered ties with the Chinese government or entities affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party. 
Contact your representative today and support Representative Hern’s Promoting Responsible Oversight to Eliminate Communist Teachings for Our Kids (PROTECT Our Kids) Act.  
I voted - woman
Join us for Prayer at the Ohio Statehouse in 2024! Center for Christian Values
Plan to join the an evening in Dayton with Dr. Douglas Frank, an expert on our election systems and processes. He will will be speaking on election integrity, why we don’t have it, how it succeeds, AND how we at the county level can combat it successfully, but don’t worry! He’s a very engaging speaker! 
Here are the details:
What: Restoring America’s Election Integrity
Where: AMVETS Hall, 1123 S. Brown Schoolhouse Rd., Vandalia, Ohio 4531
Questions: 937-405-7575
When: Monday, March 18 at 7:00pm
**Free admission, but a collection will be made to help with speaker’s expenses.  
Registration is now open for all three events:
  • Thursday, May 16
  • Wednesday, September 25
  • Wednesday, November 13
During our time together, we will:
  • Worship together in the heart of our Ohio government
  • Pray together with pastors and other Christians from around the state
  • Receive a 15-minute pastoral exhortation
  • If there’s time and opportunity, have a private meeting with legislators or attend a committee hearing
Wednesday, January 17
10:00 am to 11:30 am
Ohio Statehouse, Columbus, Ohio
Join a prayer community
Parents Defending Education
Find out if your local school district is indoctrinating your children or grandchildren on their US “indoctrination” map. According to PDE, “THERE ARE PROBLEMS. For PDE’s List of School District Transgender – Gender Nonconforming Student Policies & Incidents in Local Districts (nationwide)
Dayton Student House of Prayer (DSHOP) is a local prayer ministry that is open for prayer and worship during lunch time at their downtown location. There are also evening sessions for prayer and Bible study.
Intercessors for America provides many ways to connect with other believers in order to pray for current event issues, legislation, and government leaders. This relevant ministry provides the following: Prayer guides, live prayer calls– for nationally and for your state, biblically based commentaries on today’s news events, information on current bills before Congress, etc.
The World Prayer Network is, in effect, a virtual, online church service each Sunday and Wednesday evening. WPN provides a continuous flow of Biblically grounded, sound and dependable information, along with prayer, Scripture, praise and worship. For more ministry details and to view past prayer calls go here.
Family Research Council is a nonprofit research and educational organization dedicated to articulating and advancing a family-centered philosophy of public life through many avenues. It also facilitates prayer calls for current issues. Prayer calls are scheduled on Saturdays, Mondays, and Tuesdays. More details at this
retail-register-woman.jpgTired of supporting companies with a woke agenda?
Join thousands of freedom-loving Americans in shopping quality products, services, and exclusive discounts from values-aligned businesses. Public Square: does the vetting for you so you can be more intentional with your spending without compromising on quality. Tired of supporting companies.
Also have you heard of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and how it affects our children?It sounds so benign and caring. 
In reality, SEL is often just another vehicle for bringing activism and ideology into the classroom, especially around race and gender.  
PDE has created a free eBook to answer your questions on SEL and arm you with information that will help you spot red flags in your own school’s curriculum and programs. 
You’ll discover more about SEL, learn what questions to ask, and see real-life examples of SEL in action. 
Terra Firma is an organization of teachers alarmed by the rise of liberal agendas in education, working to restore integrity and quality to our profession. Its members reject narrow and divisive identity-focused frameworks for learning. Website link.

Dayton Apologetics is an organization that teaches classes, hosts events, and provides resources for the purpose of defending scripture and the Christian worldview, while challenging non-Biblical beliefs with grace.

A local Dayton meeting is held:

WHEN: Every 4th Thursday of the month, 7:00- 8:30pm

WHERE: 2275 S. Patterson Blvd, Kettering

Website link here.

Support ministries that evangelize Israeli Jews (& Arabs):
One for Israel : a movement of Jewish and Arab Israeli followers of Jesus with a commission to reach their country and the nations with the Gospel… through media outreach, and to train and empower local ministers in Israel with our Bible college and discipleship programs.

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