Newsletter 3/17/2023

Immigration News:
Ohio Derailment Update:
Other Derailment News:
Medical News:
Possible Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS):
Religion & Religious Freedom News:
Energy & Environmental News:
International News:
JAN. 6 Updates:
Government News:
Business & Technology News:
Bank Collapse News:
Prolife News:
School News:
Media & Entertainment News:
Biden News:
Fauci News:
American Muslims RISE UP against Woke LGBT Activists!
American Muslims RISE UP against Woke LGBT Activists!!!
Dr. Steve Turley of Turley Talks reports that the traditionally Democrat Muslim community is turning on Democrat leftwing LGBTQ policies in the public schools. They are joining Catholic and Protestant parents.
Are We at War with China?
Redacted analyzes the facts
“The US and UK are arming Australia in a run up to a war with China. Indonesia has reminded Australia that this violates their nuclear peace deal but do they care? Most likely not. But is China on a winning streak for peace? The Wall Street Journal reports that Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to meet with Ukrainian President Zelensky next week after a meeting with Russian President Putin. Could he do what no one else has been able to do and broker an actual peace deal?”
Oh SH*T, Here we go
HAITI UPDATE: “Hell on Earth”– A Nation with Government
A Failed State Near Our Doorstep: As Haiti's Brutal Crisis Spills Over, Is Revival the Only Hope?
“Haiti has been an epicenter of suffering for many decades, and now the people are being suffocated by dangerous, powerful gangs.
It comes as Haiti’s downward spiral into a failed state has intensified lately. In January, its last 10 elected senators stepped down, leaving the Caribbean country without a functioning government. The result is anarchy as armed and violent gangs rule the streets.
Deploying a special international force to Haiti could bring desperately needed respite, but analysts believe that without a long-term political solution, any new stabilization measures have little chance of putting a stop to the carnage.” Could only a revival be the answer to this catastrophe?
REPARATIONS: liberal city moves closer to massive payments to Black residents
“‘Outnumbered’ panelists weigh in after San Francisco’s board of supervisors voiced support for the plan to award every eligible Black resident with $5 million in reparations.”
Liberal city moves closer to massive payments to Black residents
UPDATE: Failed Banks
Tucker: This was a disaster for America
Tucker: This was a disaster for America
Fox News host Tucker Carlson calls out wokeness in American banking on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’ His report details the “business” the failed Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank.
Tucker Carlson: This is why our big banks are incompetent
Tucker Carlson: This is why our big banks are incompetent
“Fox News host Tucker Carlson takes a closer look at the roots of the Silicon Valley Bank collapse on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.'”
Bank & Stock Market Concerns Deep Dive with Charles Mizrahi | Victory News
Bank & Stock Market Concerns Deep Dive with Charles Mizrahi | Victory News
Religious Persecution: Ukraine , Afghanistan, China & Myanmar
Russia Violating Religious Freedom | News on The 700 Club - March 16, 2023
Russia Violating Religious Freedom | News on The 700 Club – March 16, 2023
Reports are coming to light of the Russia’s “de-satanization” — the elimination of Ukraine’s diverse religious communities– Muslim, Jewish, Christian, etc. in occupied territory. Atrocities are reported in many cities.
'Brutal and Bizarre': Christians Hiding and on the Run as Taliban Afghanistan Horrors Rage
‘Brutal and Bizarre’: Christians Hiding and on the Run as Taliban Afghanistan Horrors Rage
David Curry, president and CEO of Global Christian Relief, an organization devoted to uncovering Christian persecution and advocating for believers across the globe, is sounding the alarm about the dire situation in Afghanistan 18 months after the U.S. pulled out of the beleaguered nation. “The Taliban seized control of the government,” he told CBN’s Faithwire. “It’s been 18 months of the Taliban returning ..The Christians that remain are underground, are on the run, and we can’t just look at this cut-and-run strategy as a long-term solution.”
Chinese Communists Crack Down Again, Forcing Worship Service Attendees to Register on Tracking App
Chinese Communists Crack Down Again, Forcing Worship Service Attendees to Register on Tracking App
“People of all religious faiths in the Henan province located in the People’s Republic of China, must complete an online form and receive approval to attend worship services.
If religious believers want to attend services in churches, mosques, or Buddhist temples, they must make online reservations through an application called “Smart Religion…”
Breaking News
Monday’s terror attack in lsrael & a Huge Miracle
“A Lebanese terrorist, believed to be trained by Hezbollah, crossed the border into Israel and went to Megiddo Junction, a busy central junction on Route 65. He carried an explosive device that could have killed hundreds of people. However, the explosive detonated when the junction was empty, causing damage to a car on the other side of the road and injuring an Israeli Arab who was driving three lanes away.
The terrorist later escaped, wearing an explosive belt, and traveled back toward the Lebanese border. Israeli Special Forces waited for him, and when they saw that he was wearing an explosive belt, they shot and killed him on the spot. Hezbollah’s involvement is suspected, but no one is daring to say it aloud.
Amir questions how the terrorist crossed the border and whether he had help from Israeli Arabs. The Israeli Secret Service is investigating.”
Assad Tells Putin He Wants MORE Russian Troops & Bases in Syria; Israel THREAT? | Watchman Newscast
Assad Tells Putin He Wants MORE Russian Troops & Bases in Syria; Israel THREAT? | Watchman Newscast
“Erick Stakelbeck breaks down a greater potential role for Russia in Syria. Bashar al-Assad met with Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Wednesday and requested more Russian troops and bases in Syria plus a permanent Russian presence in the country. How concerned should Israel be about the growing alliance between Russia and Syria at its doorstep, plus joint naval drills this week between Russia, Iran and China in the Gulf of Oman?”
Our Society & the Days of Noah
The TRUTH About the Rapture | Tipping Point | End Times Teaching | Jimmy Evans
“…On Tipping Point, I’m speaking with Jeff Kinley, author and founder of Main Thing Ministries, about the real truth behind the rapture. We’re also discussing how the current morality of society mirrors the days of Noah and can be seen as an urgent prophetic warning.”
'Revival is in the Air': New Reports of Spiritual Awakening as a Huge Event Slated for April
‘Revival is in the Air’: New Reports of Spiritual Awakening as a Huge Event Slated for April
“The outpouring that began with the Asbury Awakening is reaching more young people as it marches on to both Christian and secular university campuses, churches, and youth events literally from one end of the country to another.
As CBN News has reported, what some have referred to as a potential new great awakening within Christian history started as a spark on the campus of Asbury University, where thousands of Christians gathered for two weeks of Spirit-led worship, prayer, and repentance. That unplanned outpouring is raising hopes because a previous revival in 1970 on the Asbury campus was seen as a significant driver behind the Jesus Movement of the 70s.”
Another Great Awakening on the Horizon? Christian Author Tells CBN News 'There's A Hunger for It'
Another Great Awakening on the Horizon? Christian Author Tells CBN News ‘There’s A Hunger for It’
“What will be the impact of the Asbury Revival that’s spreading across America? Will it lead to another Great Awakening?
At least one Christian author says it looks like it will.
For weeks, the Asbury Revival has been spreading to college campuses and churches across the country.”

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