Newsletter 3/27/2023

Elections News:
States’ News:
Bank Collapse News:
Business & Technology News:
International News:
Government News:
Biden News:
Trump News:
Media & Entertainment News:
Ohio Train Derailment Update News:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) News:
Crime News:
Prolife News:
School News:
Medical News:
Environmental & Energy News:
Religion & Religious Freedom News:
Jan. 6 Update News:

The Top Killer of Americans Ages 18-45

“Declare a National Emergency. In this week’s commentary, Gary Lane explains what must be done ASAP to save young Americans from fentanyl overdoses. “
The Top Killer of Americans Ages 18-45
How redefined marriage legally robs kids of what’s best for them
by John StonestreetMaria Baer
the Christian Post
“About 15 years ago, sociologists coined the term “abusive boyfriend syndrome” to describe the increased risk to children who live in homes with an unrelated adult. According to numerous studies, these children were much more likely to be abused or even killed than children who live at home with two biological or married parents. Because of these findings, domestic violence prevention programs routinely teach parents, especially vulnerable women, that the single highest risk factor that they or their children will be abused is whether they’re living with an unrelated, unmarried adult.  
God designed family in a specific way. ..Statistics reveal trends, and the statistics unanimously reveal that the safest and healthiest home situation for children is with their married mom and dad.” Read more of this insightful article here.
Georgia school board shuts down mom reading explicit lines from school library’s book
“Georgia school board shuts down mom reading explicit lines from school library’s book.”
Georgia school board shuts down mom reading explicit lines from school library's book

Leaked documents show Pfizer CAUGHT doing the UNTHINKABLE with vaccine production
Redacted News

Leaked documents show Pfizer CAUGHT doing the UNTHINKABLE with vaccine production | Redacted News
“Pfizer is trying to sell the EU Covid vaccines that it never makes or ships. That sounds like a crap deal. How did that come about? Oh right, Ursula von der Leyen’s texts message inside deal. The terms of that deal will get extended unless something is done about it and many EU states are pushing back so that something can be done about it.”
Report: Iranian Child Protestors Raped and Tortured by the Government
“Amnesty International details the atrocities after six months of protests. Dissident Project speaker Tahmineh Dehbozorgi provides the latest.”
Report: Iranian Child Protestors Raped and Tortured by the Government
How China, Russia, Canada, & Haiti Impact the United States
Redacted News
Putin and China just dealt a KNOCKOUT blow to the west with this move | Redacted News
Putin and China just dealt a KNOCKOUT blow to the west with this move
“The Presidential powwow between Russia and China wrapped up with more than a dozen new cooperative declarations. Video of Chinese President Xi Xinping departing company with Russian President Vladimir Putin showed President Xi saying this: “Right now there are changes the likes of which we haven’t seen for 100 year. And we are the ones driving these changes together.” What changes? The two nations now have cooperative agreements regarding trade, industry, science and military. Russia has endorsed China’s plan for peace in Ukraine and endorsed the Chinese yuan in trade settlements with countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.” ” This new alliance wants to unseat the US dollar as the world’s currency plus other moves that removes the US from being the global leader.
The Shocking Truth About U.S. and Canada's Coming Invasion of Haiti - What You Need to Know!
The Shocking Truth About U.S. and Canada’s Coming Invasion of Haiti – What You Need to Know!
“President Biden is flying to Canada to meet with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to discuss the coming invasion of Haiti. In this video, we explore the shocking truth about the involvement of the United States and Canada in destabilizing Haiti. With recent developments and allegations of interference from the Biden administration, it’s important to understand the historical and current context of U.S. and Canadian involvement in Haiti. From political meddling to economic exploitation, we delve into the complex web of factors that have contributed to the current state of affairs.”


Iran Drone & Missiles STRIKE American Bases in Syria; U.S. Retaliates | Watchman Newscast
Iran Drone & Missiles STRIKE American Bases in Syria; U.S. Retaliates | Watchman Newscast
“Erick Stakelbeck breaks down the showdown between the U.S and Iran-backed forces in Syria over the past two days. After a deadly Iranian drone attack on an American base left a U.S. citizen dead and five U.S. soldiers wounded, the U.S. responded with airstrikes along the Syria/Iraq border that reportedly killed at least eight Iranians. Iran’s response? Activate its militias to bombard another U.S. base in northeastern Syria with missiles. Is the Middle East set to explode as Iran becomes more bold? “
Breaking News: Urgent Call to Prayer for Israel
Breaking News: Urgent Call to Prayer for Israel
Amir Tsarfati
URGENT: Please watch this report before viewing any mainstream media about Israeli protests.
“”Reporting live from Tel Aviv, the city is engulfed in chaos as the opposition leader and left wing supporters incite protests that could lead to civil war. The smell of smoke and sound of sirens fills the air, and even Arab news channels and Russian-speaking channels are covering the events. With these protests, people are left believing that democracy is at its end. Even military reserve duty is being refused. All eyes are on Netanyahu after he fired the defense minister. Will the judiciary reform continue? Will Netanyahu cave in to the pressure?” Amir explains clearly the situation concerning the nation’s liberal Supreme Court that the Israeli progressives have manipulated through fear.

Ezekiel 38, Current Events & Hope

Bible Prophecy: God Will SHAKE The House of Israel END TIMES
by Joel Rosenberg
“On The Rosenberg Report, host Joel Rosenberg reveals biblical evidence of what to expect in Israel and across the globe before Jesus’ second coming. Do recent world events support what Scripture reveals? Don’t miss this powerful insight from Joel Rosenberg!”
Bible Prophecy: God Will SHAKE The House of Israel In END TIMES | Joel Rosenberg | TBN Israel

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