Newsletter 3/3/2023

Election News:
Immigration News:
States’ News:
Ohio Train Derailment Update:
Other Derailment News:
Crime News:
Prolife News:
School News:
International News:
Biden News:
Government News:
Medical News:
Past SARS-CoV-2 infection protection against re-infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis ( Covid provides at least as much immunity as two doses of the Covid vaccine.)
Business & Technology News:
Trump News:
Energy & Environmental News:
Religion & Religious Freedom News:
OHIO: S.A.F.E. ACT Introduced in the State Legislature
Press Conference  
Ohio State Rep. Gary Click clearly gives a detailed presentation about the Saving Adolescents from Experimentation Act. (SAFE) that is now being introduced in the Ohio House. The press conference provides the goal of the proposed legislation and the specific components of the bill. He also shares that 85-95% of gender dysphoric children are no longer confused or desire to transition after puberty. Rep. Click’s press conference demonstrates concisely why this bill will literally save children’s lives.
Also read this:
‘God’s Natural Order Is Under Attack’: 16-Year-Old Student Arrested for His Biblical Values
“The family unit, in general, is under attack, and they’re starting with the youth.” The Canadian 16-year old expelled and arrested twice for his stand against transgenderism and for biblical values and shares an update on his case and what he wants to see happen next.”
'God's Natural Order Is Under Attack': 16-Year-Old Student Arrested for His Biblical Values
Tucker: “We Got All The January 6th Footage – You Have Been LIED To!”
Tucker: "We Got All The January 6th Footage - You Have Been LIED To!"
“Tucker Carlson was given access to 41,000 hours of surveillance footage from the Capitol on January 6th by Speaker Kevin McCarthy and says he will start to release the TRUTH next week. Stay tuned!”

International Updates  by Redacted News

UK: BREAKING! Leaked govt messages reveal plans for LOCKDOWNS,
including destroying all pets
BREAKING! Leaked govt messages reveal plans for LOCKDOWNS, including destroying all pets
” At least they didn’t kill your pets! British politicians are in damage control after leaked WhatsApp messages from a British politician gives us insight to how the government made lockdown and school closure policies: based on personal sentiment and politics. The damning texts prompted one official to say that they once considered killing all pets but didn’t do that so we can all just calm down about the measures they did put in place. Feel better now?”
HANG ON! Ukraine’s new digital transformation program JUST started, WE ARE NEXT 
HANG ON! Ukraine's new digital transformation program JUST started, WE ARE NEXT | Redacted News
“Ukraine’s digital transformation program is up and running and it represents a complete transfer of sovereignty to Silicon Valley and big tech. In this segment, Dan Cohen discusses how far back these agreements go, prior to the Russian military operation. Why is the U.S. seeking to implement digital IDs from Ukraine to the world and why has did it start with Ukraine? We show you the trajectory of this tool.”
Sexting: Helping our children heal from this epidemic 
by Kristen MieleChristian Post
“A report in JAMA Pediatrics states, “25% of teenagers are receiving sexts, while 15% of teenagers are sending them. About 11% of teens are forwarding pictures they’ve received, without any consent from the sender.” These text messages can end up as material for someone to ‘sextort’ the sender… sadly, 4% of children engage in self-harm or attempt suicide as a result of sextortion…How can we help our children fight the widespread popularity of sexting?” Ms. Miele, a sexual health educator for over 10 years explains in her article the current situation with our children plus how parents can protect them form sexting.
‘Unsustainable’: Mass Exodus of Police Officers Leaving Communities in Danger
'Unsustainable': Mass Exodus of Police Officers Leaving Communities in Danger
“Recruiting and retention are two issues haunting police departments nationwide. Since 2020, a mass exodus of officers combined with record lows in new applicants has resulted in critical staffing shortages.” Cities are getting creative to serve their citizens, yet come up short. This piece looks at the reasons behind


Israel SLAMS Brazil for Hosting Iranian Warships; U.S. Senator Urges Sanctions? | Watchman Newscast
Israel SLAMS Brazil for Hosting Iranian Warships; U.S. Senator Urges Sanctions? | Watchman Newscast
“On today’s Watchman Newscast, host Erick Stakelbeck breaks down Israel’s criticism of Brazil for allowing two Iranian warships to dock at the port of Rio De Janiero. Plus, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz calls on the Biden administration to sanction Brazil over the move. With Leftist governments rising throughout Latin America, will Iran establish a lasting presence in the Western hemisphere?”
ISRAEL IN CRISIS – Terrorism, riots, and unrest. Find out what’s going on and how to Pray for Israel
ISRAEL IN CRISIS - Terrorism, riots, and unrest. Find out what's going on and how to Pray for Israel
“From political scandal, weeks of protests, Iran’s threats, and terrorism, Israel is in the middle of a crisis! We want to help you understand how to pray for the country and the church in these trials. Dr. Erez Soref explains the current conflicts and how to Pray for Israel.” Very informative & insightful!
Special Middle East Update on the war in Ukraine 
Special Middle East Update on the war in Ukraine
“Join Amir for a Special Middle East Update on the war in Ukraine. What happened so far and what is the prophetic significance of this conflict.”

Prophecies Connect with Current Events

The Fight for Jerusalem in the End Times | Tipping Point | End Times Teaching | Jimmy Evans
“Today on Tipping Point, Jonathan Cahn is back to talk about the fight for the temple mount and Jerusalem in the end times. We’re diving deep to discover the hidden link between Biblical prophecy and modern events.
In the subscriber portion, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and I discuss the Respect for Marriage Act and other current effects that hold unique truths about the end times signs of today. ” (Definition of the Shemitah: Like the seventh day of the week, every seventh year is holy. The Shemitah (Sabbatical) year is a year devoted to strengthening our bond with G‑d—specifically, honing our faith in His omnipotence and our trust in His kindness)
Bible Prophecy: God Will SHAKE The House of Israel In END TIMES | Joel Rosenberg | TBN Israel
Bible Prophecy: God Will SHAKE The House of Israel In END TIMES | Joel Rosenberg | TBN Israel
Joel Rosenberg teaches the events foretold by the Bible: the Gog and Magog prophecy, future devastation, and the Great Tribulation. He also explains from scripture that God Will “Shake the Nations” in End Times. He continues to share that God Sends Earthquakes to Wake People Up
Stories from Asbury University Revival      with Jennie Allen
Stories from Asbury University Revival with Jennie Allen
“Join Jennie Allen, Daniel MacLeod, and Luke LeFevre as they share stories from what God is doing at Asbury University and talk about why we pray for revival.” Hunger, prayer, repentance, and unity were prominent.
Asbury Revival | Testimonies of
What We Saw
Asbury Revival | Testimonies of What We Saw
“Enjoy these testimonies from believers who attended the Asbury Revival on February 20th, 2023! It was a beautiful time & God is so so good!
On February 8th 2023, Asbury University’s routine chapel services never ended. For two weeks straight there was non-stop worship as students continued to pray and worship the Lord together. People from all over the world and across the United States came to witness the outpouring of God and to see what He was doing in that place. “

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