Newsletter 6/12/2023

Election News:
International News:
Medical News:
Federal Government News:
Biden News:
Prolife News:
Energy, Technology & Environmental News:
Culture: Wokeism/Progressive News:
State News:
Business & Economic News:
Immigration News:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) News:
Religion & Religious Freedom News:


 Trump Scores Massive Victory Against Federal Prosecutors – Their Case Got Rocked
Trump Scores Massive Victory Against Federal Prosecutors - Their Case Got Rocked
 Biden’s Department Of Justice Gets Devastating News In Trump Case – Going Nowhere
Biden's Department Of Justice Gets Devastating News In Trump Case - Going Nowhere
Trump-appointed Judge Aileen Cannon will preside over the latest case against President Trump in Florida. Find out which Supreme Court Justice she serves under. What can all this mean in this latest case against the former president?
 Alan Dershowitz explains why the federal case is extremely weak according to the law and how the DOJ is operating under a 2 tier justice system. He also offers why this case has been brought forward.
 Just Before Federal Indictment Trump Makes Genius Move That Could Destroy Bragg’s Case
Explain America reports that Alvin Bragg’s star witness against Trump maybe a liability and not an asset.

Congressional Bill Introduced to To Limit Executive Overreach

REINS Act of 2023 sponsored by Kat Cammack (R-FL)

 from Rep. Cammack: “During Biden’s first two years in office, the administration added more than $300B in new regulatory costs to the economy. The new rules enacted during his first two years required 193M hours of compliance paperwork to satisfy nameless, faceless bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.
My bill, the REINS Act, is up for a vote on the House Floor this week. It’s long past time we reassert Congress’s lawmaking authority and rein in executive overreach once and for all. It’s time to #MakeItREINS!”
Read the bill and watch Rep. Cammack’s speech.

Transgenderism & Children: Big Pharma, Big Profits, & Transgender Policies Connection


 The MOMENT the transgender movement went totally off the rails

Redacted w Natali & Clayton Morris

“The Human Rights Campaign is grading hospitals on their transgender policies. If they are found not to be all-in on LGBTQ+ issues, they get a bad grade. The Human Rights Campaign is a far-left organization that promotes transgender ideology. Not surprisingly, they are funded by big pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer and the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America.”
The MOMENT the transgender movement went totally off the rails | Redacted w Natali & Clayton Morris

Schools, Parents’ Rights,
& Coercive Progressive Policies
What can parents do?

Brawl erupts as California parents protest 'sexualized' curriculum

 Brawl erupts as California parents protest ‘sexualized’ curriculum

 “The ‘Outnumbered’ panel breaks down a brawl that erupted outside a California school board meeting over ‘sexualized’ curriculum and Southern Poverty Law Center labeling Moms for Liberty an ‘extremist group.'”
 Resource for Parents from Parents Defending Education:
The summer is a perfect time to start your parent group! Read our resource on parent engagement here to learn more. (Find more about PDF and teachers’ Terra Firma in Call to Action below. )
Moms for Liberty chairman on curriculum changes: This is 'irresponsible'
Moms for Liberty chairman on curriculum changes: This is ‘irresponsible’
 “Moms for Liberty Travis County, TX chairman Jackie Besinger criticizes the Texas school board for trying to rewrite social studies curriculum and pushing woke ideologies.”


June 10, 2023
from Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel
 The World Health Organization launched a branch called the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB). The INB is having multiple meetings to promote a global power grab through an international “treaty” and 307 amendments. If approved, these documents would give the WHO global authority to control nearly every nation, including the United States.
WHO has been under a cloud of suspicion and corruption for years. What is happening now is a One World Government’s dream … and a freedom-loving American’s nightmare….
After releasing this new version of the Pandemic Treaty, the World Health Organization (WHO) is launching a five-day meeting on Monday to further its radical and deadly agenda against you.
But we are building momentum to stop the WHO. At least 18 members of Congress stood on Capitol Hill and railed against the WHO and its damaging agenda. Rep. Eric Burlison (R-MO) stated, “The WHO is one of the most corrupt, incompetent, and — after COVID-19 — most thoroughly discredited institutions on the global stage, and yet one of Joe Biden’s first things that he did was to bring the United States back into this corrupt organization.”
But these few voices on Capitol Hill will not be enough to stop this global power grab. We need to wake up the majority of Congress and urge members to stop funding this group and giving all of our rights and freedoms to it.
“Now if Joe Biden gets his way, the WHO will have even more control over the most private parts of our lives,” said Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO). “This is not about public health. The WHO made it very clear. They will censor anyone who does not agree with their agenda to control every aspect of people’s lives. They want total control over vaccinations, digitalization of health record, and your travel. Under this plan, the Biden plan is adopting Marxism by distributing medicine based on equity. The World Health Organization is the lapdog for the Chinese Communist Party.”
“The World Health Organization has no right to tell hard-working Americans what the heck they do,” said Rep. Tim Merchen (R-TN). “Why the heck are we even funding them in the first place?”
Whether your children must get a long list of vaccines to attend school will be determined by the WHO. Imagine the decision to shut down businesses, schools, or places of worship under the authority of an unaccountable One World Government.
We have limited time to block this global takeover by the WHO and Joe Biden. Push back before it’s too late.HR 79 will pull America out of the WHO and prohibit any federal funds from being spent on the WHO. The U.S. House holds the purse strings and can stop this WHO takeover. Send your urgent faxes to Congress to oppose this WHO takeover. Give your U.S. representatives and senators your position on this by going here or here. Please share this message with others.


A War Is Close To Break Out Between Israel and Iran

A War Is Close To Break Out Between Israel and Iran

Hananya Naftali
“Is a war between Israel and Iran inevitable? Find out in this urgent report as we examine the growing tensions between both countries and explore what it could mean for the Middle East. Get all the essential facts now, before it’s too late!”

Oklahoma Has Approved First Religious Charter School — and It’s On-line

OK School Board Approves Nation’s First Publicly Funded Religious Charter School
 “An Oklahoma school board has voted to approve the nation’s first publicly funded religious school, but opponents are threatening to sue to stop the school from getting public funds…
The Archdiocese wanted to establish the St. Isidore of Seville Virtual Catholic Charter School as an online public charter choice for parents. Now the school will be open for the 2024-2025 school year to students across the state in kindergarten through grade 12. It is estimated that about 400-500 students will attend. “
OK School Board Approves Nation's First Publicly Funded Religious Charter School

Western Water Crisis

Western Water Crisis | News on The 700 Club - June 5, 2023
The Colorado River provides water to seven states, yet a predicted that this source will soon not be able to keep up with the demand. Solutions at this point will include severe measures that will affect the whole nation.

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