Newsletter April 10, 2024

Election News:
International News:
Medical News:
Environmental & Energy News:
Sports News:
Immigration News:
Federal Government News:
Biden News:
Trump News:
Trump Trial News:
Jan. 6 News Update:
School News:
Business, Economic, & Technology News:
Media & Entertainment News:
Religion & Religious Freedom News:
Antisemitism News:
Antisemitism News:
Cities' & States' News:
Prolife News:
Crime News:

"Diddy Will Take The Fall" - Jesse Watters' SHOCKING Claims Diddy Is An FBI Informant

Patrick Bet-David, Adam Sosnick, Tom Ellsworth, and Vincent Oshana are joined by FOX News host Jesse Watters as they discuss the mounting evidence that Diddy was working as an FBI informant.

This is a DEVASTATING blow to the WEF and this is how we beat them

Redacted with Clayton Morris

How do you kick out the World Health Organization, World Economic Forum and the United Nations all in one go? Well it won’t be through the Biden administration, they’re signing us up for everything. The Senate passed a law forbidding the state from cooperating with these globalists. Wow, so punk but will it work?

Adverse Effects of Border Crisis on Schools - Nicole Neily, FOX News 3-28-24

Nicole Neily, president of Parents Defending Education, appeared on FOX News to discuss the adverse effects of the crisis at the southern border on American K-12 schools.
Report starts at time marker 1:30.

Is Honolulu the next land grab after Maui?

In this premiere, Shane goes over the similarities between the West Maui and Honolulu TOD(transit-oriented development) Corridors, and the Smart City land grabs that are attempting to follow in their footsteps. Find out how the West Maui TOD Corridor plan led to what’s happening on Maui, how it could also happen in Honolulu, and what Maui has been doing to stop it so far. Are citizens to expect getting their very own eviction notices to realize these plans by their cities’ leaders? What is driving this bold, new effort to remake Hawaii– climate change, urban leadership failure, greed, or…?
Related links and videos:
Mayor Michael Victorino announced that Maui County has launched the West Maui Community Corridor Transit-Oriented Development Action Plan …:
West Maui TOD Corridor Plan Informational Briefing;
Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA) site shown in the Ways and Means (WAM) hearing for SB 3068 and SB 528:
West Maui Community Corridor Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)

Porn Star to Pastor: Joshua Broome’s Journey to Freedom

… Joshua Broome, a former porn star-turned-preacher… reveals seven lies our culture tells us about porn and guides us toward the only thing that leads to true fulfillment: a relationship with Jesus.
By worldly standards, Joshua Broome had a successful career in the porn industry, achieving fame and fortune, and even being awarded as a top actor. And yet, despite all this, he found himself at rock bottom.
In his book, 7 Lies That Will Ruin Your Life, Joshua uncovers seven things we are told will make us happy and shows how each of them points us back to our need for God.

White Clots - This Is Really Happening

As Dr John Campbell debates the mystery of white clots in relation to the Covid vaccine, knowing what we already know about vaccine censorship, how do we ensure critical thinking, open dialogue, and the availability of credible sources of information?

Eclipse Day, 2024

Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch Sheets
Many people have asked for my thoughts regarding it: “Is it prophetic?” “Is it a sign?” “What does it mean?” Many have written about it, and numerous broadcasts have been released. Some say it is a warning of judgment, while others declare it a sign of the end times, that the rapture will occur soon.
In some teachings, it has been reported that its path will go over seven cities in America named Ninevah, a sign of judgment—if enough repentance doesn’t occur. Actually, it will be a full eclipse over only two towns named Ninevah; the others will see only partial eclipses.
So, Is the Eclipse A Sign?
The Bible does indeed tell us the heavens give us signs, including eclipses and blood moons (Genesis 1:14; Isaiah 13:10, 38:8; Ezekiel 32:7; Joel 2.10, 2:31, 3:15; Matthew 24:29; Mark 13:24; Luke 21:25–27; etc.)…Watch the vlog as Dutch gives his piece.


Major Shift in War

CBN News

The IDF is withdrawing from Rafah.

Experts: Iran Using Gaza and Lebanon to Distract from Nuclear Weapons Buildup

As Israel fights Hamas in the south and prepares for a potentially greater conflict with Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria in the north, Iran remains a major player behind the chaos.
Many analysts say that is due to the Tehran regime’s efforts to distract the world from what is happening with the country’s nuclear program.
Yonah Bob, military correspondent for The Jerusalem Post, told CBN News, “Whether it is a formal strategy or it’s just happening that way, it’s absolutely a danger. Iran threw out the nuclear inspectors, eight most important ones, in September 2023; they tripled the speed of enriching uranium for most of the last few months between 60 percent and 20 percent enriched uranium.”

America & Western World Face DIRE Security Concerns Amid RISING Islamic Radicalism

TBN Israel

Mati Shoshani reports on the latest news in the Middle East. Shoshani reports on the deadly terrorist attack in Moscow, Russia, and rise of radical Islamic terrorism. Learn the history of Russia’s complex relationship with Islam, and the security threat Islamic extremism poses upon the Western world, including the United States. Is America prepared for what lies ahead?

The TRUTH About the 7 Aid Workers Killed by an Israeli Air Strike in Gaza

Israel Guys
Last week we reported on the 7 aid workers who were killed by an Israeli airstrike in Gaza. Since then, the IDF have released their official investigative report findings. As a result, they dismissed several high ranking officers who they deemed did not follow official IDF protocol. However, the question remains: who was really at fault for these aid workers who were killed?
Was Hamas using them as human shields? Were the World Central Kitchen workers embedded with Hamas, like the photographers were on October 7th? Or did Hamas simply commandeer their vehicle, and force them to drive with them under gun point.
Either way, it’s seems clear that the blame lies squarely elsewhere than Israel.
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