Newsletter December 12, 2023

Election News:
International News:
Prolife News:
Medical News:
Religion & Religious Freedom News:
Federal Government News:
Cities & States’ News:
Biden News:
Trump News:
Immigration News:
Business & Economic News:
Media & Entertainment News:
School News:
Antisemitism News:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) News:
Crime News:
Environmental & Energy News:

Fentanyl: The FDA Approved Drug Deadlier Than Heroin

Patrick Bet-David delves deep into the escalating Fentanyl crisis in America, tracing its lethal path from China and Mexico to the heart of American communities.

New 'Project 2025' to Dismantle the Administrative State

An initiative called Project 2025 is gaining traction, set to transform the deep state.
If successfully implemented, Project 2025 could significantly impact the future landscape of the nation.

Dinesh D'Souza Stuns w/ "Police State" Film

Dinesh D’Souza discusses his newly released film that chronicles the police state in the US as it stands today. He focuses on the characteristics of the typical police state: mass surveillance, censorhip, political prisoners, etc. How did we get to this schocking state?

Ukraine Update

Zelensky to meet with Biden, US Republicans, invited to address US Senators in Capitol

Ukrainian President Zelensky who will be travelling to US this week to meet President Joe Biden, will plead his case before Republicans who are opposed to sending more money for Ukraine’s fight against Russia.


Ohio for Freedom
Ben Bland was brought up in a loving Christian Family that never missed a service. All went well until sexual abuse began – at the Church. And no one knew.
By the time the truth would come out the pain, shame, conflict, and fear had led Ben into the gay lifestyle and social drug use. Social drug use would give way to full blown abuse and very dark times.
But, that is where things make a miraculous turn around. Today Ben is fully delivered, more in demand as a florist and decorator than ever, and gives his testimony in Churches every weekend.

300,000 STRONG | Christian World News


Israel Strikes Damascus
Watchman Newscast LIVE

Israel carries out airstrikes on Damascus. Was Hezbollah the target in Syria? Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blasts Russian President Vladimir Putin over support for the Iranian regime. Will Russia be “hooked” into a more overt, broader conflict with the Jewish State?

Israel at War Day 66 | Dozens of Terrorists Surrender
TBN News
UPDATE: Hamas Conducts A SURPRISE TERROR Attack Against IDF Forces
TBN Israel

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