Newsletter December 9, 2023

Election News:
International News:
Immigration News:
Prolife News:
Medical News:
Environmental & Energy News:
Federal Government News:
Jan. 6 News Update:
Cities & States’ News:
Biden News:
Trump News:
Business & Economic News:
Media & Entertainment News:
Religion & Religious Freedom News:
School News:
Antisemitism News:
Crime News:
Other News:

New Dutch PM's Message for Muslims | Geert Wilders is Anti-Islam, Anti-EU and Anti-Immigrant

Geert Wilders, the new Prime Minister of the Netherlands, is under scrutiny for urging Muslims to leave the country, as seen in an unverified video. The footage shows Wilders suggesting that Muslims who prioritize the Quran over secular laws should exit, estimating around 700,000 such individuals in the Netherlands. He proposes they move to Islamic countries to live by their own rules. Despite winning the most seats, PVV is projected to hold only 25% of parliamentary seats, making collaboration necessary. While the VVD Party considers supporting a Wilders-led government from the outside, they rule out cabinet participation. Pieter Omtzigt from the NSC Party raises concerns about Wilders’ extreme views conflicting with religious freedom protections, signalling potential difficulties in forming a government due to divergent political positions.

Judge OVERTURNS Election Over Too Many Illegal Votes

On Nov. 18 an election for sherriff took place. The winner’s margin was slim and required a recount. The Republican loser filed a complaint. The details of this case are shocking.

Capitalism and Loneliness: What The Media Get WRONG

But Johan Norberg’s new book, The Capitalist Manifesto, points out the many ways capitalism makes life better, including making people LESS lonely.

He's Studied 1,000+ Near-Death Experiences and Says This Is Why He Believes They Prove the Bible

…Burke said his latest book looks at scores of interviews with people from all over the world who’ve had these clinical near-death experiences. “They are seeing and experiencing the God of Scripture,” he said. “And we’re looking, not only at His love story told throughout history in the Bible, but also his heart and characteristics, the mystery, the majesty of God.”
Burke, though, knows not everyone believes these heaven visitation stories, and explained exactly why he thinks there’s so much skepticism. He said one factor is a failure to understand that “these are testimonies” that shed light on God’s nature. Another is the complexities that come from trying to describe other-worldly experiences using human language. Watch him explain.

PRAYER: What and How to Pray NOW!

Practical Tips from the Bible for Powerful Prayer.

The Secret to Releasing God's Power

…Whether it be an angel speaking God’s words, as it was here, a prophet (Isaiah 55:11), or an intercessor walking and talking with God, no word God has spoken is without power. This is why I often put Scripture references in the prayers at the end of the posts, as I did yesterday. I want you to know which verses the prayer is based on so you can be confident in its power, and also to equip you as you continue praying and declaring God’s Words. There is no more powerful prayer, or weapon against satan, than speaking God’s Word. As you pray for your prodigal, speak the Word. Use verses Holy Spirit gives you personally, of course; you can begin by using the references I gave in yesterday’s prayer.

As He Was Flying Through The Air

It is very important during this season that we are alert to Holy Spirit’s warnings, and diligent to cover our families, friends, and leaders with prayer. I taught some on this a while back, but feel I should do so again today and tomorrow.
…This facet of intercession is something we should do daily for our family and loved ones. There are also specific times when the Holy Spirit will alert us to particular situations requiring urgent prayers for protection – kairos prayers…. the opportune point in time at which something should be done.”..A window of opportunity would be kairos time, as would a well-timed attack in war, or a moment of danger. ..
Let’s be diligent in listening to Holy Spirit’s warnings during this time of danger. Also, declare Psalm 91 over your family daily. Build walls of protection around them

Starbucks Loses $11 Billion Due to Poor Sales & Boycotts over Israel War

Vantage with Palki Sharma
Starbucks Loses $11 Billion Due to Poor Sales & Boycotts over Israel War | Vantage with Palki Sharma
Global political tensions are spilling fast into Seattle-based Starbucks Corporation, as the company has lost approximately 11 billion dollars in value, erasing 9.4 per cent of the company’s total value.


BREAKING: IDF Pumps Water from Mediterranean Sea to Flood Out Hamas Terror Tunnels

TBN News

TBN Israel’s Yair Pinto reports from the frontlines of the Israel-Gaza War while on active duty with the IDF. Recently, the IDF went through a secret mission using pumps to pump water from the Mediterranean Sea, in order to flood Hamas terror tunnels, forcing Hamas terrorists to come out from hiding to be captured. The IDF were amazed at the numbers of Hamas terrorists who were underground in these terror tunnels. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments here on TBN Israel.

Why is Hamas Asking Pakistan to Help Against Israel?

Why is Hamas Asking Pakistan to Help Against Israel? | Vantage with Palki Sharma
A senior Hamas leader has asked Pakistan to put pressure on Israel and implement a ceasefire.
Why is Hamas seeking help from Islamabad?

Released Israeli hostages speak about the horrors they experienced

Keshet 12 News!
As the Israelis who were released from captivity by the Hamas terrorists slowly begin to open up, their family members and doctors are telling the stories of the horrific experiences they went through.
Covering news and events impacting Israel & the Middle East for the Evangelical world.
The eyes of the world are increasingly riveted on Israel and the Middle East, the Epicenter of momentous events that are shaking our world and shaping our future.

Leaked IDF Document Shows TRUTH about Settler Violence in the “West Bank”

Israel Guys

Leaked IDF document proves some stunning facts behind the so-called rise in Jewish violence in Judea and Samaria! The United States of America and France are threatening visa bans on Jewish settlers!

IDF Commander's Tale of Survival and Spiritual Transformation in Face of Hamas Massacre Israel Gaza

In this gripping video, an Israeli commander recounts the harrowing events of October 7, where he and his comrades found themselves surrounded by Hamas terrorists in the midst of a massacre. Waking up to chaos, they battled relentlessly, seemingly with no hope. A pivotal moment occurred when his secular friend made a promise to start observing the Sabbath if they survived. Miraculously escaping the dire situation, the commander and his comrades turned the tide, combating terrorists with newfound determination. Facing an empty weapon, he grabbed one from a fallen foe, emerging alive to share this incredible tale.

Dodging Bullets: Divine Intervention for 4 IDF Soldiers in Gaza with Hamas Terrorists Israel Miracle

Witness the extraordinary journey of an IDF soldier in the heart of Gaza, facing the relentless threat of Hamas. 🇮🇱🔥 “Divine Protection” recounts the harrowing moment when a Hamas terrorist emerged from a tunnel, firing at four soldiers. Miraculously, each was spared in different ways …

Israel AIRSTRIKES in Lebanon & Syria; U.S. Embassy ATTACKED by Iran Proxies

Watchman News

While Israel carries out airstrikes in both Lebanon and Syria, more and more Hamas terrorists are surrendering to the Israel Defense Forces as they continue to advance into the heart of Gaza. And as the battle in the south grinds towards eventual completion, is the United States pressuring Israel to allow the Palestinian Authority to run Gaza after the war? Is a geopolitical clash coming between these two allies? Meanwhile the U.S. embassy in Baghdad was attacked by Iranian proxies

Terror Tunnel Miracle: IDF Triumph Over Hamas Terrorists Near Gaza Border Hanukkah Prophecy Israel

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