Newsletter March 23, 2024

Election News:
International News:
Environmental & Energy News:
Immigration News:
Antisemitism News:
US Military / Conflict News:
Federal Government News:
Biden News:
Trump News:
Trump Trial News:
Jan. 6 News Update:
Cities' & States' News:
Business & Economic News:
Religion & Religious Freedom News:
School News:
Crime News:
Medical News:
Prolife News:

This is the REAL reason they are banning TikTok, it's not about China

Redacted with Clayton Morris

Congressman Thomas Massie joins Redacted with some stunning information regarding the TikTok banning bill in Congress. What’s really going on here?

Javier Milei triumphantly pulls Argentina out of financial ruin

Before the Libertarian leaders’ ascension to the top job, Argentina was battling record high inflation, widespread poverty and depleted morale.
But Milei has breathed new life into the struggling South American country, turning around its fortunes and renewing hope in the process.
Sky News All-Stars Rita Panahi, Paul Murray, and Rowan Dean take a deep dive into Argentina’s renewal.

Christian Victories: Vindication & Former Muslim now Evangelist

Fired Professor Fights Back and Wins, Has a Message For Fellow Christians

A Texas college professor who said he was fired after university leaders reportedly found his teachings too “religious” has been reinstated to his position more than a year after being terminated. Dr. Johnson Varkey and his attorneys at First Liberty Institute recently announced Varkey has won his adjunct professorial job back at St. Philip’s College in San Antonio, Texas, after being fired in 2023 “for teaching standard principles about human biology and reproduction.”
The announcement comes after a “favorable settlement” was reached with the Alamo Community College District; the school system voluntarily reinstated Varkey…

Iranian Ex-Muslim ESCAPES Islamic Law & Discovers the SHOCKING Truth About Jesus

Pastor Ramin Parsha joins Samuel Smadja to share his extraordinary life journey. Raised as a Shiite Muslim in Iran, Parsha endured torture and brutality in the name of Allah. Through divine grace, he broke free from this torment and embraced Jesus. Now residing in Israel with his Jewish wife, Parsha spreads the boundless love and forgiveness he found in Christianity, echoing Jesus’ message of praying for our enemies to the world.

Jonathan Cahn: Discovering God's Warning for America

Jonathan Cahn sits down with Erick Stakelbeck on TBN’s Praise to discuss patterns in Israel’s history that line up with America today, and how we can heed God’s warning to our nation and make a difference to better our future!

COVID: The TRUTH about the Pandemic & Vax

Covid: Don’t Let Them Off The Hook John Stossel

Four years ago, we were told we had “15 days to slow the spread.”
Covid’s “15 days” turned into years, and the loss of our freedoms increased. It’s important we don’t forget what happened.

"This COVID study is MASSIVE and exposes the LIES they told us"

Redacted with Clayton Morris
A massive study of 99 million Covid-vaccinated people has just wrapped and the results are startling. Dr. Peter McCullough joins us to break it down.

Church Sues Government For Allegedly ‘Blocking’ Pastor From Feeding Poor

An Arizona church is suing the City of San Luis, charging officials with allegedly blocking its charitable food distribution to individuals and families in need. Conservative legal firm First Liberty Institute and law firm Snell and Wilmer L.L.P. filed a complaint and preliminary injunction in the United States District Court for the District of Arizona on behalf of Gethsemani Baptist Church.

Ireland just SHOCKED the world and Europe is finally waking up!

The people of Ireland are standing up against “woke” government referendums to change the definition of family. Irish voters voted overwhelmingly against an amendment to the constitution which would have removed mothers and fathers from the core definition of family. Irish academic researcher David Thunder joined us to discuss this major development.

6 Popular Ultra-Processed Foods To Immediately Stop Eating

Fifty-eight per cent of the food you eat is slowly killing you. There is now a peer reviewed study from the UK that concludes what we already suspected: ultra processed food is dangerous to our health– over 30 health problems that creates greater risk of serious disease– (for example, heart disease & cancer) and health conditions (depression, obsessive compulsion disorder, etc.)


Why the HECK Are We Holding Back On Obliterating Rafah Terror Hub?

Israel Guys

Gaza is taking up the space in the media constantly, and specifically as it relates to Rafah. The Israelis do plan on invading Rafah and obliterating Hamas, at the expense of losing support from the United States as well as the UN and most of the Western world. What Joshua digs into today is quite insane!


TBN Israel

Yair Pinto reports on the Israel-Hamas War. Pinto reports that the IDF has eliminated senior Hamas commander Faiq Mabhouh,during a raid inside Gaza’s Al-Shifa Hospital. The terrorist group Hamas had begun using the hospital complex as a command base again, prompting a swift response from Israeli forces. Pinto also reports that Syrian media is attributing air strikes on Hezbollah weapons depots to Israel.

Amir Tsarfati on Israel’s Future Third Temple & The Antichrist

Watchman Newscast

Erick Stakelbeck sits down with Amir Tsarfati of Behold Israel … to break down the possibility of Israel’s Third Temple being constructed soon. How has the war in Gaza against Hamas sped up the prophetic timeline?

Are the People of Gaza ACTUALLY Starving?

Israel Guys

Are the people of Gaza actually starving? I mean, it’s a legitimate question. If you ask nearly any world leader, international humanitarian organization, or simply watch the ads that Youtube is serving you, you’d think that millions of people are in danger of dying any day from starvation.

If we look behind the news, children crying in front of the camera, and ask some key questions however, we may find a very different story. Since the world wants us to stand with the poor, innocent civilians in Gaza, and hate Israel in the process, it’s important that we know what is actually going on. The real truth might surprise you.


What does Hamas know that the average Christian doesn't?

A Hamas leader stated in a recent speech that the Oct. 7 attacks were to interrupt the beginning of Jewish temple worship. Jews in Israel who are devoted to begin temple worship in a third temple. Their efforts has brought them to the sacrifice of a red heifer at the upcoming Passover. This is all explained in this report.

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