Newsletter November 11, 2023

Election News:
Ohio Voters Add Abortion to Constitution (See statement from Create Equal, part Ohiof prolife coalition)
International News:
Immigration News:
Medical News:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) News:
Prolife News:
Federal Government News:
Jan. 6 News Update:
Biden News:
Trump News:
Media & Entertainment News:
Religion & Religious Freedom News:
School News:
Crime News:
Anitsemitism News:
Cities & States’ News:



Courage is Contagious: Rikki Schlott on Fighting Back Against Cancel Culture

What did she believe that was so terrible?
Well, she’s a right-leaning libertarian.



Mass Shootings: Suprising Causes

Redacted News

What's REALLY behind all of the mass shootings in the U.S.?

New research shows that the one thing that mass shooters have in common is not access to guns or homophobia or toxic masculinity. The one thing that they have in common is that they were all on anti-depressants. Maybe we should discuss this before we have another opportunity to offer thoughts and prayers to another community that has a chemically imbalanced young person who turns violent!?

Nashville Trans Manifesto LEAK is MUCH worse than they're telling us

Steven Crowder exposed a few pages from the Nashville Shooter’s manifesto but much more was held back including a video Audrey Hale made the day of the shooting. But all the commentators appear to be missing the biggest story of all.



GOOD NEWS: The "Christian" World Economic Forum Met Last Week

by Jim and Rosemary Garlow, Well Versed

During October 31 to November 1, one thousand five hundred invited delegates from 73 nations gathered in London for the ARC (Alliance for Responsible Citizenship) conference, organized by Jordan Peterson. In a sense, it was a healthy counter-response to Klaus Schwab’s elitist, leftist World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland. There were more than 90 speakers at ARC. The delegates were primarily from Europe, Australia (10% of the delegates), Canada, and the United States.
The ARC event was not overtly Christian, but it was quite obvious that the crowd was overwhelmingly Christian…[T]he “Judeo-Christian” tradition was a constant theme…The audience was made up of many elected officials, top-level business leaders, economists, academics, some clergy, and persons from the media. Likely as many as 40% of the delegates were in their 30s, thus it was highly focused on the next generation.
Jordan Peterson, the primary organizer… who has become a theist in recent years…[made] it more apparent that …he is …one who is now embracing the faith… Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somalian Muslim who migrated to the Netherlands who is known for strongly criticizing Islam, eventually becoming a Member of the Parliament, shared her journey and she quite surprising embraces … the Judeo-Christian tradition…
… [T]he consistent theme of “The Better Story” as opposed to the blatant pessimism of secular culture. Jordan Peterson called people to live selflessly and responsibly, for others, rejecting the hedonism and nihilism of modern society. …ARC was a sophisticated version of a revival tent meeting, with an intellectual fervency to cause people to want to be better than they …the emptiness of present-day self-absorbed existence of modern humans… It had the tonality of Paul’s admonition in 1 Corinthians 12:31, “I show you a more excellent way.”
… [The following are are the values and mission statement of the ARC:]
“The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship is an international community with a vision for a better world where every citizen can prosper, contribute, and flourish.
“We reject the inevitability of decline and instead are seeking solutions which draw on humanity’s highest virtues and extraordinary capacity for innovation and ingenuity.
For more about ARC go here. For more about Well Versed go here.

"Vivek Shook the Place up" - Reaction to the GOP Presidential Debate



Massive Move of God in Nicaragua: 650,000 Attend, Thousands Choose Christ, Miracles Abound

Recently we have heard about God moving in college campuses, churches, and cities. Imagine evangelizing an entire country.
Two U.S. missions organizations are following the Holy Spirit to do just that in Nicaragua. CBN News learned more about this effort to reach hundreds of thousands of people with the Gospel.
A miraculous story is unfolding of Nicaraguans attending mass evangelism campaigns, witnessing a mighty move of God in their country. Missionary Britt Hancock of the organization “Mountain Gateway” followed God’s call to help lead these events, along with Evangelist Nathan Morris and Shake the Nations Ministries.



Could Israel-Hamas War Ignite Ezekiel Magog Prophecy? Bethlehem-Based Pastor Explains

Steven Khoury, the pastor of The First Baptist Church in Bethlehem, is living and ministering in a truly unique arena. With Hamas’ attack on Israel sparking war, Khoury is navigating unchartered and difficult waters….
Khoury, like many Christians around the globe, has been watching events unfolding in Israel and pondering what might be happening from the eschatological sense. …
He referenced the Old Testament prophecy surrounding Gog and Magog, written about by the Prophet Ezekiel in chapters 38 and 39. The scriptures center on an attempted invasion of Israel by a coalition of nations. Many Christian leaders believe Magog is Russia, and with Persia (modern-day Iran) listed among the nations partnered with Magog. Considering Iran’s connection to Hamas, the current dynamics are certainly noteworthy, including reports of Hamas leaders visiting Russia.



600+ Hospitals Collapsing over Covid Mandates, Fed Arm Twists, Brain Drain

Small rural hospitals are closing due to government incompetence. Steve Gruber, director of the new documentary Flatline details the what caused these closings as well as the real impact on the communities in the aftermath.

Small rural hospitals are closing due to government incompetence. Steve Gruber, director of the new documentary Flatline details the what caused these closings as well as the real impact on the communities in the aftermat.




The IDF CAPTURES a Major HAMAS Stronghold in GAZA

Israel Guys

The IDF are pushing full steam ahead in Gaza. They just captured a major Hamas stronghold and are destroying tunnels by the dozen. Also it has come to light that photographers working for CNN, Reuters, and the Associated Press probably knew about the October 7th Hamas massacre ahead of time and didn’t warn anyone.


Hamas terrorist in interrogation: 'We have ambulances that look like civilian ambulances'

Israel National News
Interviews with captured Hamas members verfies that Hamas uses public buildings even civilian ambulances as cover for their troops, commanders, and weapons.

'Gaza's Bin Laden': Netanyahu Calls Hamas Leader in Gaza 'a Dead Man Walking'

CBN News
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel’s most wanted terrorist, the leader of Hamas in Gaza, is a “dead man walking.”
Also known as “Gaza’s bin laden,” Yahya Sinwar is the “monster” mind behind the October 7th massacre. He’s now at the top of Israel’s kill list.

The Angel in Gaza: Incredible Divine Providence Stories Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein Israel Hamas War

Reports are coming from the Israeli troops that angels are alerting soldiers of traps set by Hamas.

The WAR FRONT in Israel That NO ONE is Talking About | LIVE From the Jordanian Border

Israel Guys
Today Joshua goes live from the Jordanian border to discuss the fourth front of the war that nobody is talking about. Also, we have some more exclusive interviews with the cowboys working on Jewish farms.

Victory News: Israel Update with Chris Mitchell

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