Newsletter October 21, 2023

Election News:
International News:
Immigration News:
Prolife News:
Medical News:
Artificial Intellligence (AI):
Federal Government News:
Jan. 6 News Update:
Cities & States’ News:
Biden News:
Trump News:
Business & Economic News:
Media & Enertainment News:
Religion & Religious Freedom News:
School News:
Crime News:
Environmental & Energy News:
Other News:

Jack Smith Gets Very Bad News

Jack Smiththe special counsel  overseeing the criminal investigations of President Trump in the retention of classified documents has been dealt a blow to his attempt to drag the case from Florida to Washington D.C. This report exposes all the variables at work.

The Real Reason Why The Market Hasn’t Crashed…YET

Patrick Bet-David explains why the stock market has not crashed yet, even though interest rates have gone up at the fastest pace in recent history. PBD also shares data that will tell you when the market is most likely to crash and the reason behind it.

He's EXPOSING the illegal immigrant camps coming for America

Redacted with Clayton Morris

A new record number of illegal immigrants just crossed the U.S. souther border. War correspondent Michael Yon is in the Darien Gap in Panama.


Killing Babies: Ohio Issue 1 & Hamas?

by Tom Renz
What kind of a coward would not fight for the picture above? How can a person look at a baby and not see a miracle? I simply do not understand a person that does not see the miracle of life in every child but many do not. At this point we are seeing people in this country, and in particular, in Ohio, that are actively supporting people and procedures that, not only do not protect babies, they endanger and kill them.
….There are real comparisons between what is happening in Israel where murders and terrorists are killing innocent Israeli children for no reason other than they are Israeli and what is happening in the USA where we are passing laws and funding programs that either abort (kill) babies or push children that are far too young to make lifelong health decisions into the realm of transgender nonsense. In Ohio, we will be voting on Issue 1 in November which would take abortion and trans in kids further than things have gone at any other point in Ohio history. Issue 1 is important because if a similar issue is not on the ballot in your state, stay tuned, it will be.
The reports of the women and children being killed in the Hamas attacks on Israel have shocked the world. These animals committed atrocities against innocents that are difficult to fathom. Despite this, we have a large and clueless group of cowards in America that are actually making excuses for this behavior. “Their land was stolen” “Israel doesn’t treat them fairly” and many other excuses are made but at the end of the day, these guys are still killing innocents and these excuses fail to justify that truth.
I am not of the belief that political issues justify murder of innocents but it seems almost symbolic of where we are as a nation. .. And this is where Issue 1 comes up. Here is the body of the text of Issue 1:

Is This the End Times? Is 'Hamas' in the Bible? Messianic Rabbi on Israel, Terror, Prophecy

Rabbi Jason Sobel, a Messianic Jewish leader, recently discussed the complex issues surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the evils at the core of Hamas’ attack on Israel. Sobel, author of “Signs and Secrets of the Messiah: A Fresh Look at the Miracles of Jesus,” provided insight into the historical context of the conflict, the spiritual implications, and some of the prophetic elements at play.
…The faith leader said he believes hatred directed at the Jewish people has political elements, but that it’s predominately spiritual in nature.. Watch Sobel explain the history.

God Has Other Plans

Give Him 15 Daily Prayer with Dutch
…For decades now, a sleeping and egocentric – sometimes narcissistic – church has chosen pleasure over concern, comfort over confrontation, and watered-down messages over wake-up calls. Many Christians became too lazy or complacent even to vote, and numerous pastors were too afraid or deceived to challenge them, thereby keeping out of their pulpits the principles of righteous government established by God on the earth…they actually preferred the murdering of babies in the womb and the mutilation of confused children to mean tweets…
This naivety and deception started years ago, intensified greatly during the Obama years, and hit full speed when Biden was elected. ..
The good news – and there is good news – is that a remnant in the church HAS heard God’s warnings and risen in intercession, responding to God’s heart for redemption.
…Do not yield to fear when the shaking intensifies, and challenges arise. Remain strong in faith, declaring the word of the Lord that God will use it to produce revival and transformation. He wants to see this great worldwide harvest reaped more than we do, and it will be!

The Divine Acceleration

Give Him 15 Daily Prayer with Dutch
As I pondered … Scripture last weekend while in Florida, the Lord focused my attention on the hastening of the pace in Joshua 1:11. He changed/shifted the time and season, as Daniel 2:20 tells us He does. God is never running late, but He IS in a hurry at times. And He was in Joshua 1.
The Eternal Planner has His own reasons for doing so when He speeds things up. And in His infinite wisdom, He is doing so now. The Lord is hastening the pace of what is now unfolding now on earth, doing so to keep things in step with His plans. Everlasting God, Olam El, is not reacting to satan’s counter actions; He factored them into His plan thousands of years ago. He is simply working through the chaos, accomplishing His will.
We must stay in step with Him, following Holy Spirit’s direction. This next year is critical for us. Huge. Just as we have been working with Him to birth the coming harvest, we must now finish well, church…I believe the Lord saw us as the generation that would FINISH THIS ASSIGNMENT!

The Real (and Awful) Reason Biden is Coming to Israel

The Caroline Glick Show IN FOCUS
Antony Blinken returns while Israeli troops sit on the Gaza border, President Biden handicaps Israel’s security and the world continues to turn a blind eye to Hamas’ atrocities and corruption. Caroline Glick explains what “humanitarian aid” really means and exactly how Biden and his administration are only working at cross purposes with Netanyahu.


'Now, Everybody is Praying': Reserve General Tells CBN News Latest on Gaza Ground Invasion

CBN News
“Crush and conquer:” that’s the stated goal for a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip, and one Israeli minister says the I.D.F. (Israeli Defense Forces) has the green light to move ahead, with the timing reportedly in the hands of the military. On Thursday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Israeli troops on the Golan Heights. “I am here with Golani’s fighters, they come from all parts of the country. They fought like lions, they will fight like lions,” Netanyahu declared. “We are going to win with all our might. The entire nation of Israel stands behind you, and we will give the hard blow to our enemies so that we achieve victory – for victory!”
CBN News. Because Truth Matters™

Share this video and PRAY for the Israeli hostages held by Hamas!

The United States is Sending 15,000 Troops to the Middle East, What Do they Know?

The Israel Guys

The Biden administration is sending 15,000 troops to the middle east, what do they know that we don’t? Also we go over Fox News’ interview with a former Hamas member and his common sense approach on how to deal with Hamas.

IDF Reservists Around World Respond to Israel's Call; Pentagon Sends Navy Strike Groups, Marines

CBN News
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have called up 300,000 reservists since the deadly and barbaric Hamas massacre on Oct. 7.
As CBN News has reported, more than 360,000 reservists have mobilized, amounting to four percent of Israel’s population.
Many Israelis from around the world have also responded to the call. Entire planes full of young Israelis have flown back to defend the Jewish state.

Standing guard and the personal stories of survival - Pod for Israel War update

One for Israel

Join Dr. Erez Soref and Dr. Seth Postell as Seth shares his relative’s harrowing story on the front lines of the October 7th attack. Hear the personal stories of how the citizens of Israel are standing watch against terror and how we can stand watch against the misinformation and lies already spreading amidst this horrible attack.

This Israeli protected his wife, children from Hamas terrorists

Fox News

Dr. Yoran Klein explains how Amichai Schindler, an Israeli who stopped Hamas bullets from injuring his family, is in an ICU unit fighting for his life

Hamas releases 2 US hostages in 'major development,' sources confirm

Fox News

FOX News’ Trey Yingst provides details on the release of two American hostages into Egypt

Israel DESTROYS Hezbollah Cell; U.S. Forces UNDER ATTACK by Iran Proxies

Watchman News

Today Israel carried out airstrikes in Lebanon against Iran’s chief terrorist proxy Hezbollah. With the IDF’s imminent ground invasion of Gaza, is Israel also preparing for its northern border to descend into all-out war? Meanwhile, U.S. forces come under attack by another Iranian proxy

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